"Hunter..? Is everything okay?" I saw it this time. How he blinked and his eyes went blank. His face completely devoid of  emotions. It was almost like I had imagined it. Almost. But I knew what I saw. And I wasn't letting it go. If this relationship was going to work, it was about time we started putting some effort into it.

"Hunter? Are you ok?" I touched the hard line of his jaw, which his was clenching so hard the muscle ticked.

"Everything is fine." His voice held a warning I couldn't ignore. I had come to know Hunter enough to know the more I will push the more he will retreat. "Come let's sit, I want to talk about something." He pulled me towards the divan.  

After taking a seat I turned towards him.

"What do you want to do with your life Kitten?"

"Excuse me?" I was a little perplexed at his sudden interest.

He sighed, like talking to me was such a nuisance, "With your life Kitten, what do you want to do? to become? You can't be a waitress your whole life."

"What's wrong with being a waitress?" I asked indignantly.

"Nothing." His tone flat. "But its pointless, I can give you everything you want, there is no need to lower yourself to serve other people, you do not need to just stand there while some halfwit tries to make a pass at you. So you will quit, and if you want to continue your studies, fine by me, but you're not working in that diner anymore."

I gaped at him, I really didn't know what to say. 

"But then...what am I supposed to do?"

"Do you want to continue studying?" He asked as he stroked my cheek with his finger. I shivered at the contact.

"Yes, I think so....umm...I want to become a marine biologist." 

I had expected him to laugh, to tell me what a ridiculous notion it was for a messed up girl like me as Abby had, try to gently persuade me to find a less ambitious career like my Mom had, but he didn't

"Okay, but I can't let you go, the nearest college here is in another town so you'll have to stay in the dorms, and I won't allow it. You can do your Bachelors online, it will take about four years and then when you have that you can do your Masters and then after you're done with that, for your PhD, if you want to pursue that, We'll think of that later."

I just stared at him. My throat clogged with emotion. He hadn't said if , he'd said when. Like he had complete faith in me, like he knew I could do it. He didn't know his confidence in me was the most precious thing he had ever given me. My Mom, I knew she loved me, but she had never had faith in me, not like that. Her opinion of me, even Abby's, were shadowed by my shortcomings, my phobias. But Hunter, even though he knew me, all about me, still he believed in me. I would've done an online course anyway, if given the choice. I knew I wasn't ready to go to a completely new college in an unfamiliar city, without knowing any one. And I wanted to stay close to Hunter too. I didn't think I could survive without him in my life anymore. I leaned forward and hugged hime tightly.

"Thank you." I whispered. I felt him kiss my head, I snuggled closer.  But...I moved back so I was facing him.

"I don't think I have enough money yet. I do have some money that my Mom ha-"

His growl cut me off, he looked at me with a how-dare-I-ask-such-a-question expression, "You are mine Kitten. My responsibility, you want something you come to me. I will pay for everything."

I nodded, "I'll pay you back after some time."

He made a frustrated sound, making me feel like an inept imbecile, "Kitten, one last time, You. Are. Fu**ing mine. What's mine is yours. Got it?" He tapped my forehead, "I don't want to have this conversation again."

Before I could say anything he continued, "Now about your living arrangement, you're coming up here with me."

"Is this your study?" I asked looking around again.

"This whole floor is mine. I live here and the condo, whichever suits me. But since you're here, I thought it would be better for the you to be closer to the pack, so we'll live here, at least for a while."

"You moved here for me?" I asked, touched.

"No." His reply couldn't come quick enough, "It's for the betterment of the pack. The Luna should be not only a part but the spirit of a pack. You need to interact more with the people and make yourself known."

I was starting to get him. He must care for me. He had to. No one was that considerate of some one with caring for them. Or maybe I was just grasping at straws?

"You'll apply to different colleges. And wherever you get in, tell me and I'll arrange everything else ok?"

I just nodded. I don't think I was processing everything yet.

He stood up, "I have a few meetings, so I'll see you when I get back."

With a kiss to my forehead he was gone, leaving me reeling from the sudden changes in my life.

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