Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Karmen - The power of Knowing

"Freeze!" sometimes I ask myself why I do this. Don't get me wrong, I love my job. The thrill and adrenalin that comes with it is purely amazing. The mountain of paperwork, well that's just the downside. But Every job has its ups and downs though, right?

But this right here, yeah not so happy about this part of the job. This right here just about makes me wish I'd chosen another career. But what the heck, if he wants to play hard to get, then fine I'll play along. His ass is mine.

This case has been worked on for years. Just when sufficient evidence it brought up to arrest the guy, the evidence either gets sabotaged or it just disappears into thin air. I was put on the case as a rookie and been working it ever since.

The guy is good, arriving and leaving unnoticed leaving nothing but a dead body or an untraceable explosion. The Locard principle does not seem to apply to this guy. He's a ghost like no other. His moves all calculated to perfection. Well, almost all his moves.

For the record, I did give him a chance to surrender. He was dumb not to take it. So now, here I am jumping through yachts, when i should be getting ready for a family dinner, trying to catch a ghost. Who is in my opinion, a very hot ghost. Too bad he's a criminal. Total turn off.

"I can do this all day, Christopher!" I yell after him in German. Backup was suppose to arrive a few minutes ago, but once again Christopher found a way to guide them in the wrong direction. Typical.

"You know that you're the only person who knows me by my real first name, detective?" He responds in a perfect English accent as he jumps onto yet another yacht and landing perfectly on his feet. I was trained for this. I learned German for crying out loud. Now is the time to see if all those days of studying this guy were for something.

The human brain is a surprisingly difficult organ to understand, but this guy's brain is by far a hard nut to crack. Anything can trigger an unwanted emotion. My laugh or simply I the way I pronounce certain words will ruin this whole operation, and I am not up for that.

"And whose fault is that Chris?" I ask him jumping over a hot tub. The couple in the tub duck and shield each other as I barely avoid hitting them. I apologize in the air and look down below.

A huge puddle of soapy water is located exactly where I'm suppose land, meaning that avoiding it is clearly not an option. If I break something I swear I'll...

"Ha ha ha. Maybe next time detective!" his laughter fills the empty air around us as a boat turns 180 degrees creating a mist. I cringe in pain as I try to get up leaning on my elbows and watch as Christopher jumps into a moving yacht. A huge smile takes over his features as the boat speeds away into the setting sun.

Ok maybe his ass is not mine.

"Are you ok?" asks the couple in unison. I look in their direction and glare. "Does it look like I'm ok?" it sounded harsh especially coming from me. I simply take a deep breath and let it out. The couple gets out of the hot tub and help me up.

They do not pay me enough for this.

"Thank you." I say quietly straightening myself out. My clothes are wet and so is my hair, just my luck. How am I going to show up to the family dinner looking like this?

"Karmen are you OK? Where is he? Did he get away? Are you hurt? Did he get away?" I frown at him as he runs over to me jumping over to the yacht. His jacket and blond hair blown back due to the wind as he approaches me.

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