Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Best Man?

~~~~~ No means yes and yes means no. Got it? Me either ~~~~~

"See ya tomorow boss!" the last of the employees yelled closing the door behind them. Finally it's over.

The place was cleaned; everything was counted and sorted in its right place. Today was the craziest day so far and it's not even Friday yet. Don't these people have to work? Or school even?

"Wow." I heard the voice and turned around to face the person. Andy was sitting on a bar stool spinning like a little kid. He was always a kid at heart.

"What are you still doing here?" I walk up to him and give him a hug. He accepts the gesture and presses our bodies together tighter than necessary.

"I umm... I came to umm-" He has a hard time forming words. Andy plays with his fingers which is an automatic sign that he is wanting to tell me big news but is nervous and does not know how to tell me. He will never change.

"Spit it out Andy." I said sitting down next to him. He looks at me for a few moments and smiles, his white teeth glimmering in the light.

"I'm getting married." He whispers, his voice barely audible. He closes his eyes and runs a hand through his blond hair. A smile slowly forms on his face as he throws his head back.

"I'm getting married!" This time I think they heard him in Australia. I congratulate him and pat his back.

Andy was my best friend back in high school. He was the one who bailed me out. If it weren't for him, then I would have never finished school, alive. I made his life a living hell sometimes when he had to take angry boyfriends off me or when he had to break the news to girls that I didn't want them anymore.

"Her name is Daniela and she is stunning. Her family scares the living shit out of me, especially her sister. She has a son who I have learned to love. She's just so... Real." He goes on and on about the girl. I have got to meet this so called Daniela. She has to be worthy of meeting if she stole Andy's heart and has him this whipped.

"Will you be my best man?" I choked on something. Air? Saliva? I don't know, but I was choking on something.

"Are you Ok?" I finally calm down and look at his serious expression. He is not kidding. He really wants me to be his best... man?

"Andy I-" I was at lost for words as he cuts me off. I looks at the ground thinking, letting everything process.

"You don't have to decide right now. Think about it?" He gets up and grabs his jacket and keys off the bar counter.

"Oh, and Riley" I looked up at him. He plays with his keys in his hands as he looks up with a smile. "It was nice seeing you again." with that he opens the door and walked away, leaving me confused as hell.

Deciding to clear my head, I lock and arm the security system. I turned on my bike and speed down the through the streets again.

The lights make the city come to life. Do these people ever sleep? I've lived here for only a couple years and I'm still not used to the lifestyle these people live. Dad said that he grew up here. How he survived, I have no idea.

My head is nowhere and everywhere, blank and empty while full and cramped. Sometimes I really wish I had a normal life. That quickly passes.

The sun is just barely peaking up, signaling a brand new day. A day to start over, a day to fix our mistakes or to make them, a day granted to the lucky ones and the last for the unfortunate ones.

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