Speak Of the Devil...

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The hardest part? Opening my eyes. I struggled to forcibly retract my eyelids, which stubbornly went back into place. Perhaps I should just wait here then. Listen in on some conversations perhaps? I'd be nice to know our plan, since I was sure they were censoring something from me. So I tuned in.
    "-ard to believe that this will work. Y'know? We're awful close to that old depot, mate."
Huh. Didn't realize Kurt had an accent.
"Yeah yeah, I know. We've done worse. Besides, the hard part is out of the way. The old man's asleep, and the big un is disabled. Now we just steal their stuff, then we're home free."
Or that Rachel was actually a guy. Hm. I think this may be an attack. Crap. I opened one eye very slowly, and saw two men. One had pieces of metal strapped unto him, which looked like a stop sign. Black hair, short and muscular. Looked of mexican descent. The other had some odd gear on, and had blonde hair and glasses. His armor was a mix of combat armor and metal scrap, like his comrade. They both had sub-machine guns that looked like a toddler with a blowtorch made. A toddler with welding skills, mind you. I closed my eye as the short one turned around.
"Oi! Dis un's awake!"
I opened my eyes and flipped off of the mattress I realized I was on. I pulled the bed up in defense. I heard a sprout of gunshots, and multiple holes tore through the bed. I looked around. Then I realized I was armorless. And inside. Bad combo. I searched rapidly and saw a spoon. I heard the blonde raider approach the mattress. As he closed in, I stood up and shoved the utensil into his face.
The spoon was protruding from his eye, looking rather painful. I kicked him, and he fell back on the floor. Then another salvo of bullets came hurtling towards me. I dived back behind the bed, which was leaning on the bedside desk which had once sat by it. The bullets tore through the mattress, and and embedded themselves into the concrete wall. I heard the blonde one shuffling on the ground, and the hispanic continued to lay down suppressive fire. I stuck a hand in the bedside table. I opened the main drawer, and took the risk of peeking my head up. Inside was cigarettes, a stack of cash, and a sawed off single-shot shotgun. Scratched on the side (with what looked like a knife) was "The Kneecapper." Perfect. I grabbed it and checked the receiver. One round. All I needed, hopefully. I raised to one knee and leveled the shotgun. I waited as the mattress was pelted with the bullets. Then I heard the "click click click." He was out of ammo. TIme to make my move. I stood up and pulled the trigger. The hammer was brought down, and then muzzle flash.
Smoke filled the air, and I flew backwards. Pain broke-out through my back. When I opened my eyes, I was in another room. An auditorium. How? I looked up and saw I had flew through the wall. Nice. I took another look around, and then the hispanic raider came through the hole in the wall. He had a pistol drawn. Same design as his submachine gun. I raised my shotgun at him, and then noticed that the barrel had been blown away. Misfired. No wonder I flew away. Honestly surprised I didn't die. Good luck? I wondered. Then I remembered my present company.
The man aimed at me and fired. At the same time, he flew forwards, and over my body. Standing in his place was Rachel. She drew her grenade launcher and turned around. I stood up sluggishly, and looked where she was. The blonde raider's glasses were officially a monocle. His face was struck with shock. Rachel took one step towards him, and then he turned and ran. He dived behind an overturned table, and she fired her launcher once. THe hallway exploded. I saw his body-what was left of it-hit the nearby wall. She looked back to me. Her audio transmitter sounded damaged.
"You alright?" My back felt broken, my leg still hurt, my shoulder had been torn apart by a metal rod in the wall. It hurt about as much as possible. I was literally the epitome of pain.
"I'm fine"
    "Good. We need totjhghjfh" The transmitter turned to garbled words. I realized just how bad the damage was. The front left of her mask had been melted. She took off her helmet. Wow. She was the face from my dream. Blonde, chin length hair, small scar on upper lip. She looked angry as well.
    "Crap!" She started pacing back and forth. Women pacing angrily is already scary, but when they're covered neck to toe in some of the most advanced exoskeleton technology in the world? It's a bit more scary. Her footsteps made cracks in the ground. Soon, that area was going to be about 5 inches lower then it was. I stumbled over to her, and grabbed her shoulder. This was harder than you would've guessed, her being 7 foot tall and all.
    "Hey" She gave me a look which would have spooked a wendigo.
"What's going on? Why are we inside an auditorium?" My mind raced with questions, and my mouth could barely keep up. She cut me off as i was midway through asking her where Kurt was.
    "Be quiet. We came here after you fainted. Needed some shelter. We got ambushed. Warboys, judging by the orange markings on their armor." I nodded. I reached down and grabbed the bandolier from the first war boy. It was obviously made from leather. Pretty nice. I strapped it on, and searched it. 4 more shotgun shells. I holstered the Kneecapper. Would fix that later.
    "Where's Kurt?"
    "He's by the entrance. He sent me to grab you." I nodded. I heard gunfire echo through the building. There were more. Rachel must've heard it too, because she holstered her grenade launcher, and pulled out her shotgun.
    "Where's the entrance?" I asked. She nodded towards the nearby door. I took a step towards it, then it shook. She leveled her shotgun at the door. I nearly drew mine, but remembered it's condition. I looked to her.
    "I need a weapon."
She tossed me the grenade launcher.
    "Your gear should be in the east wing. That's where we set up."
I dropped to one knee and guarded the door. She put on her helmet, and charged the door. In a mess of smoke and debris, the door unhinged and brought half of the wall done with it. A shout erupted from where she had charged. Suddenly another War Boy flew over my head. He hit his head on a seat with a crunch. I grabbed his kneepads. Rachel took off her helmet and sprinted down the hallway. I followed suit.
• • • • •
    By the time we reached Kurt, I had gotten my gear, and Rachel had killed 2 more Warboys.  Sadly, I didn't get to spoon any.

That came out wrong.

    Anyways, we reached the entrance to see 5 war boys in cover firing towards the revolving door, which had a riot shield behind it. I assume that's our guy. I fired the launcher at the ceiling above two warboys with the makeshift rifles. The grenade bounced off the ceiling onto their hiding spot. The explosion tore one's legs off and vaporized the other. I turned towards the others, and fired again. Another 3 dead. I wasn't bad at this! Then another door opened, revealing a man in power armor. Makeshift power armor. Wow. It was made from what looked like a basketball court. He made the nets into a little cape. Cute. He spoke with a not-so-cute voice.
"I AM CHEIFTAN NASS. I MOUNT HEADS ON MY WALL, WENDIGO HUNTER!" Kurt replied in a confident tone.
    "Nass. Was wondering when you'd find me. How's your leg?"
I noticed his leg was missing through the powered servos. Ouch.
He screamed angrily. Kurt didn't reply this time. I kneeled into firing position, and shouted.
"HEY NASS!" He looked at me with fury, then drew a RPK.  I raised the launcher at him, and fired once. The grenade hit at his feet, but bounced into the room from which he had came. The explosion echoed around, and he raised his LMG.
"MY TURN." Rachel tackled me, preventing me from becoming diced wormfood. She raised her shotgun above the cover, and fired. His bullets were a huge caliber, and ripped through the room. One column collapsed,being shredded like paper, causing the upper deck of the room to fall towards us. Rachel stood, and held the balcony. I could tell she was struggling. I looked to Nass, who was also holding up the ceiling, but with one hand. In the other hand was the RPK, which he one handed flawlessly. More rounds tore through the collapsing ceiling, and one grazed my thigh. I flinched, and fired the launcher again. It bounced again, this time hitting him directly in the chest. The explosion caused him to stagger. He stepped back into the other room. I planted one grenade in the ceiling, and pulled out my handgun. I raised it above my head, and looked down. Rachel almost dropped it again. I fired twice, and then a whole ripped through the debris. Me and Rachel were surrounded by the debris. Boss Nass approached again. She fired at him, and he flinched, but only barely. He opened fire, and me and Rachel rolled in different directions. I aimed my last grenade at him, and fired. It bounced off of his armor, and hit a nearby wall. The wall opened, and cold air rushed in. Rachel yelled at me.
"Why can't you aim?"
"It's a weird gun!"
"What? How?"
"It bounces! What kind of gun bounces? This is the worst gun ever, of al-"
"Watch out!"
A metal encased hand reached through the corner, grabbing me by the collar. Nass threw me towards the door. I hit Kurt's shield, and my view got hazy. He moved the shield and dragged me to cover. He stood over the counter with a small revolver. .32 at most. He fired, and a bolt of fire erupted from the barrel. It raced towards Nass, and lit his good leg on fire. He screamed in agony, and collapsed. I stood up shakily, and we all stepped towards Nass. His not-so-good-leg had been melted. Kurt raised his revolver to Nass's face, and fired once. Nass's face turned black instantly, as the flare gun's bolt fried his face and dug into his nose area. It melted the cartilage, and his eyes popped. Gross.
Rachel reached to his armor, and grabbed what looked like an upgrade for her Pneumatic Gauntlet. She put it on, and punched a nearby pole. The pole disintegrated. Thank god he didn't hit us with that. Kurt grabbed his RPK, and slung it over his back. I kneeled down to his corpse, and saw something amazing. A small double barrel shotgun. Perfect for repairing the Kneecapper. I put it in my pack, and turned to the others. Kurt looked satisfied.
"Another Chieftain dead. Good work everyone."
"So, what happened while I was out?" I asked. Kurt's brow furrowed. He locked eyes with me, and grabbed my shoulder.
"You alright kid? You fainted back at the depot."
"I'm good, thanks"
"Good. We need you to be in tip top condition for a journey like this." I nodded, and tried to pretend I didn't notice him ignore my question. We walked towards the door. Er, hole. Whatever.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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