Chapter 3 ~Movie style

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Your pov: (Friday)

It's so nice to be on talking terms with craig again. Yup, no more tucker. I can't believe it took six whole years for this to come out. Also it turns out that I actually bruised craig when I unleashed my rage on him in the gym. Heh... tweek told me. I feel so bad! But it was when we were pissed at each other so I guess I shouldn't dwell on it or anything. Well, my parents should be home next weekend. I need to study more. I think I failed the English assessment. I never did ask tweek for those notes either.... Oops?

"class dismissed" Mr garrison announced without looking up from his magazine.

As always there was a stamped towards the door. I can understand this though because after all, it is maths. I hate the subject so much!

"y/n? i-its l-lunch" tweek reminded me while tugging at my f/c checked shirt.

"oh sorry tweek, coming!" I said as I grabbed my bag and books before running towards the door.

We decided to walk to our lockers first, tweek needed to get something. Come to think of it, using mine would come in handy... I think I may drop off my books for Monday. I always keep all my books in my bag so I don't forget them, so it's like carrying Cartman on your shoulder all day. Haha.

I suddenly begin to visually crack up, then start laughing like a maniac at the thought of cartman wrapped around someone's shoulder. Omg the face he would have! Tweek just stares at me confused.

"y-you o-ok y/n?"

"pffffffffffffttttttt..." I snigger again.

"I'll j-just l-leave you t-GAH-to it..." he said looking perplexed.

We continued walking while I was still laughing. We rounded the corner and kenny was by my locker. Wait... Kenny is by my locker! I stop laughing instantly and hide back around the corner. Tweek notices and looks back at me as confused as ever.

"c-come on y-y/n, i-its o-only k-kenny"

"shhhhh. I haven't spoken to him since 'the incident'" I whispered. Tweek rolled his eyes.

"c-come o-on, you've spoken t-to him b-before that"


"s-seriously y/n c-come o-on" tweek sighed. . I looked pleadingly at him

"y/n h-he's looking now"


He crossed his arms while shifting his weight to his one hip.




"C-come on t-this i-is g-getting r-rediculous" he says while looking me dead in the eyes.

"...ugh fine"

I walked around the corner properly and stayed a few steps behind tweek. Kenny wasn't looking this way. He had his head buried in his locker! Well, I can sneak past him at least...

"oof" someone spluttered.

Great, just as I was walking past him someone fell on me. I open my eyes to see... kenny. On top of me. Why?! Why does the universe hate me?

"h-hey k-kenny" I squeaked looking up at him while my cheeks turned crimson. I can feel it, godamn it. 

"hi y/n" he replied. I saw something flash through blue orbs.

We lay there looking at each other for a few seconds before... I felt lips meet mine. KENNY IS KISSING ME! MY CRUSH IS KISSING ME! I was too shocked to return it. Kenny broke off and his deep blue eyes scanned my face looking for a reaction. I stared back. Why was i not doing anything?!

Kenny Mccormick Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora