Chapter 1~ Normal day?

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You're pov:

Ahh, the golden haired beauty that is Kenny McCormick. Watching him play football with his friends has always been... something. The perfect view of him on the edge of the field. We've hung out a few times but it's never been just the two of us. It's only been on the rare occasion our groups set aside their differences to hang out at a football game. Stan's game to be exact, kyle invited me, tweek, token and Clyde. Tucker just slipped in there somehow. Probably tweeks doing. Come to think of it, tucker never shoots down tweek. Also, he's only nice to tweek too... bastard...

I wonder what would happen if Kenny paid me more attention on the rare occasion we hung out. Would It ever lead to anything? Does he even like me in the way I like him? Ughh, I'm just going off on an even bigger tangent now. Well, it's my own thoughts at least.

Anyway, there's this special spot where me and tweek sit every day. Everybody knows where to find us. And yes, I'm weird, frankly, I don't care. It's a well-known fact that my height is deceiving, I have a mean temper. I'm no wimp that cries when she breaks a nail, like Bebe Steven's. I can't stand most of the girls in this school. Believe it or not, the 5ft 1 geeky girl has boxing as a hobby. Nobody is intimidated my this because they don't know. They only remember what happened between tucker and me about six years ago. It's been a few years since I've fought anyone. I just train with a punch bag. So I have no idea how strong I am now...

Well, I got so sidetracked by all that, Kenny is gone now. I sigh...

"GAH" I jump at my best friend's outburst. Yea I'm a little jumpy like he is...

"y-you ok y/n?" Tweek glanced up at me, twitching slightly as usual, although his stutter is not too bad around me.

"sure tweekers! Why?... oh, heh the sigh, that was nothing" I smiled.

"OH GOD, Y-Y/N ARE YOU SICK OF ME? I-IM SO-SORRY IF IVE DONE SOMETHING W-WRONG!" I place a comforting hand on his tiny shoulder to calm him somewhat. He always does... eventually.

"tweek, you're my best friend! Well as kyle or stan would say, super best friend. I would never be sick of you!"

He flails for a few seconds before hugging my torso, burying his face in the fabric of my f/c hoodie. I will admit, I never got embarrassed when we were like 8, I had no boobs then. We're both 17 and now I have... A sizeable chest. I kinda blush and don't know what to do when he does this. So I resort to awkwardly patting his head...

Aw shit here comes token, Clyde, and tucker. I know tweek has a huge crush on him. Yea tweaks gay. I don't mind. I was the first person he told! That made me so happy, I can't explain how happy I felt. Knowing he trusts me that much... anyway. So yea, tucker, I hate him. I think it's mutual, I don't know if it still is. Don't really care, to be honest. I only stick him out for tweek. I would do anything for my tweekers, and hanging out with Craig tucker proves that.

"hey, y/n... and tweek, whatcha up to?" Clyde asks eyeing me weirdly. Oh yea, tweek's still wrapped around my waist.

"hey, Clyde! Nothing much really" I choose to just ignore it. If they say anything to upset tweek, I swear to god....

"soo, tweek..." I don't like where this is going. Tweek glanced up at Clyde as I continued to stroke his hair in an attempt to keep him calm.

" I thought you said you were gay?... Are you and y/n going out? Since when we hang out all the time! I thought I would have noticed!" He gushes and I glare up at him when tweek over reacts. All because Clyde said all that in front of tucker.

"GAH, TOO MUCH PRESSURE!" Thanks, Clyde, you've freaked tweek out.

"Clyde! What the fuck!" "can't I hug my best friend? for fucks sake" I snapped causing tweek to flap again and jump to his feet in an attempt to run.

Kenny Mccormick Where stories live. Discover now