Chapter Four

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The next day...

Ichimatsu found himself, once again, sitting atop the cross shaped grave. Resting his head on the top of it, the demon wrapped his arms around the cold stone as he took in the warm early morning sunlight, waiting for the priest to arrive at the church.

Each night, as Ichimatsu had observed, Karamatsu would leave many hours after the sun had already set. The time of night when cars were rarely seen on the busy streets of Japan.

It seemed strange to Ichimatsu, to leave the church unattended for several hours. The doors were never locked at all. It could seem inviting to some people, but to Ichimatsu, it was slightly disturbing. Literally anyone could steal whatever they wanted from the church at night, never being caught, for there were no security cameras in the sacred building.

Sighing, Ichimatsu watched as he saw a small black car pull up to the church. Karamatsu opened up its door, yawning, then standing up as straight as he possibly could. He always walked with such dignity and confidence, ready to face what his people would throw at him that day.

Ichimatsu's wings trembled a bit as he saw Karamatsu. Why was he such a comforting sight for his eyes? Just his presence made him feel at complete ease, like he was safe.

"I can't get attached to this masterpiece of a person," the demon scolded himself, banging his head on the gravestone, causing blood to run down his forehead. "I have to kill him before this month is over."

Only seconds after Karamatsu had entered the church, did a man and a woman arrive, their car squeaking on its breaks. They tumbled out of their car, crying out desperately as the ran up the church's stone steps.

And without even thinking twice, Ichimatsu flew weakly off of his grave, making his way to one of the stained glass windows to the church. These two people seemed greatly troubled, and the demon was curious to see what Karamatsu would do.

Karamatsu greeted the two, a smile on his face, though on the inside, his heart was aching. It was so hard to keep on going, helping people, when there was nobody there to help him.

"I wonder what their problem is today..." Karamatsu thought, shaking hands with the woman's husband. "This isn't the first time they've been here. Did they have a miscarriage? Did her mother pass on to the next life? I wish she would stop crying in such painful ways. She's reminding me of the ones I lost so long ago..."

"Please calm down," Karamatsu asked the two calmly, leading them to one of the cushioned church pews, sitting them down. "What's troubling you?"

Ichimatsu stared through the window with wide eyes, a strange, yet strong urge to be cared about arising in his soul.

Ichimatsu couldn't tell what the lady had said, yet when he saw Karamatsu lean over, hug the woman tightly, then place his two hands on their heads, he knew something bad had happened.

"Bad...I'm supposed to be bad, aren't I?" Ichimatsu thought bitterly. "Why is it that I feel pity for this person...why? I have to kill the pure man. I have to kill him...I have to kill the priest who makes everyone smile again..."

The couple eventually left the church, the woman wiping her eyes as her husband hugged her with great affection. The woman looked up at her husband, a smile spreading across her face.

Ichimatsu flew back to the cross gravestone, resting his head on top of the cross, closing his eyes as he hugged it. Just the thought of having to kill Karamatsu had begun to make him feel uneasy.

"Why did I agree to this?" Ichimatsu thought. "Why did Osomatsu have to choose me? I would be better off in Hell, not knowing that such a person like Karamatsu even existed. My time here is limited! I should kill him before I feel even worse about it..."

"Brother, why do you continue to look so troubled and lonesome? You are a very special one to me," Karamatsu said out of nowhere.

Ichimatsu snapped his eyes open. His heart thudding much faster than it should, he nearly fell off of the gravestone, but Karamatsu quickly and firmly grabbed his wrist.

Gently, Karamatsu pulled Ichimatsu off of the grave, accidentally touching his wings in the process.

The demon flinched at this, for his wings were very sensitive. But he tried his best not to lash out and hiss at the pure man.

"My deepest apologies!" Karamatsu nearly gasped, his voice actually sounding apologetic. "I did not mean to touch your wings. After all, I understand how much pain you must be in."

"I can't talk back to this person..." Ichimatsu thought in anguish. "Because if I do, I may grow to like them more than I already do..."

"Do you have a place where you rest your head at night?" the priest asked.

Ichimatsu shook his head, his wings trembling to keep his body afloat just a few inches from the ground.

"Your crippled body looks frail and exhausted, why don't you come home with me tonight? I will give you a meal," Karamatsu offered.

Ichimatsu let out a quiet hiss by accident. Guilt overflowed his entire body as he watched Karamatsu smile, then walk away back towards the church.

"I wish I could..."Ichimatsu thought. "I just still don't understand...why would a pure person like you dirty their clean hands with filth like me?"

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