"No!" Tim says raising his brows.

"I'll play." Chance chuckles as he turns his baseball cap around backwards on his head.

"So will I." Chris says as he hands the spinner card to Adam.

"Great. Adam can call out the positions and Tim can be referee." Kirstie says.

"Can I ask something, rather minor, before this tournament begins?" Tim asks with a raised brow.

The others turn their attention to Tim.

"What about the security?" Tim asks. He didn't like the idea of letting their guard down.

"Everything is up and running." Chris smiles. "If a mouse runs across the property, we're gonna know about it."

Tim nods as he breathes a sigh of relief.

"So relax, Bossman." Chris smiles as he hands Tim a beer.

Kirstie stares in shock as Chris and Chance remove their shoulder holsters holding their guns and lay them to the side.

After playing several rounds, they all started to relax and have a good time.

Tim even caught Avi trying to cheat a couple of times.

Suddenly the alarm sounds.

With lightning speed, Tim grabs his gun from inside his jacket and both Chris and Chance grab for theirs.

The three men each run to a window to peek out of while Avi runs to the monitors.

"Do you see anything, Avi?" Chris shouts.

Avi watches the monitor that had set off the alarm.

He chuckles as he wipes his forehead.

"It's cool, guys. It's just Eddie." Avi calls to them.

Kirstie lets go of a breath that she had been holding. She then realizes that Adam was next to her with his arm protectively around her shoulder.

"D*mn, I feel so helpless." Adam mumbles.

"Adam, you've been injured. You would only make it worse." Kirstie says quietly.

"I know but I'm supposed to be protecting him." Adam says as he watches Tim slip his gun back into the holster underneath his jacket.

"And you will, once you get healed." Kirstie says as she gives him a reassuring smile.

"So how did it go with Austin." Kirstie asks with raised brows.

Adam huffs and rolls his eyes.

"You could cut the tension with a knife." Adam says shaking his head.

"I can imagine." She says with a smile as she takes Adam by the hand. "But he has fallen in love with you, Adam. So what ever kind of tension you felt. Don't let it bother you."

"We came by to see if you guys were still alive." Eddie laughs as he and Esther walk into the room.

"After what we've been through, that's really not funny." Tim says as he takes a seat by Adam.

"EDDIE!!" Avi screams as he comes running into the room, after resetting the monitor's alarm. He jumps into the big man's arms. "I've missed you!"

"I've missed you too, Squirt." Eddie laughs.

"So what are y'all doing?" Esther asks as she looks around at the messy family room.

"Playing games and trying to act normal." Adam chuckles.

"So how are you feeling, Kid?" Eddie asks.

"I'm alright. A little sore." Adam shrugs his shoulders.

"Oooo! I know what we can do that everyone can participate." Avi laughs, clapping his hands.

"Oh, Please. Do tell." Tim says with a slight chuckle as he opens another beer.

"Lip Sync!!" Avi smiles and nods excitedly.

"Lip Sync??" Chance laughs.

"Yeah! But to make it more fun we can pick out songs that don't suit us." Avi explains with a smile. "Say for instance, Kirstie could lip sync to 'Can't Touch This' by M.C. Hammer. Or I could lip sync to a Dolly Parton song."

"Actually, that does sound fun." Tim says.

Everyone's head snaps in his direction.

"What?" Tim smirks.

"Just how many beers have you had?" Adam laughs.



*~*  TIDAM  *~*

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