Chapter 13:Bad Max and Good Max?

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Max and Evil Caleb both holds swords that Max brought for this fight. Evil Caleb runs toward him with the sword in his hands. the 2 of them sword fight like in the mid evil times. Max doges his swinging and kicks him in the gut. He uses a knife to cut the rope and free his family. He hands Phoebe a sword too so she'll help him. Nora asks Chloe, "Chloe can you please teleport me to the real Caleb?" Chloe replies, "You know it baby!!!!" They both teleport away from the fight. Max and Phoebe are both swinging their swords back and forth to stop Evil Caleb. Then Caleb uses his telekinesis to push them out of the way. He jumps on Phoebe's back and grabs the device that drains powers. Barb uses her electric powers to try to shock him.

Max also tries to use his telekinesis to get him off. His spins Phoebe to turn around, and Barb shocks Evil Caleb. he lets go and fell down. Max and Phoebe look at the bomb and it said 30 seconds left. "OH NO MAX!! We have 30 seconds left. Super President kickbutt falls in from a helicopter above and says, "Don't worry we have a bomb squad to disarm it. BOMB SQUAD FALL IN!!!!" The bomb squad slides down the ropes and cuts the wires on the bomb. Then the Bomb turned off. Everyone cheers and Phoebe turns to Max and asks, "Max I thought you were at the villain league?" Max tells her what really happened. "No Phoebe. I sent a clone of myself to the villain the whole time. So I would be here to show you all that I want to be a hero instead of a villain. I'll explain the rest of it later but right now we got to get to the villain league to stop Dark Mayhem."

Then at the villain league, Nora sneaks around looking for Caleb. She sees dad hanging over the lava, and also sees Caleb in the cell. She runs to him and then Evil Max grabs her. "GOTCHA!!!!" she screams and struggles. Caleb looks up and shouts, "NORA!" Max takes out his key to open the cell door. Then takes her inside then locks it tight. Then walks away Caleb turns to her and says, "Nora? What are you doing here?" She replies, "I'm here to free you and dad. Also there's another Max." Caleb stares at her with a weird look. "There is another clone?" She nods and says, "Yes. The Max here is evil, the other Max was in Hiddenvile saving us." Caleb just realized that this whole time Max didn't forget his promise, He wanted to show us that he wants to be a hero.

Caleb asks Nora, "Well what could I do? I'm no hero. I left you guys in the hands of Evil Caleb. I almost got you all killed." Nora shakes her head and says, "No Caleb. You cared so much about us that you wanted to stop all this alone. But sometimes Caleb, their are things you can do alone, but their are also things you can't do alone. You're my hero just being my friend. Now you're my hero for trying to save my dad." Caleb smiles and Hank says, "She's right Caleb. I didn't think Max would turn good because of you." Caleb just realized that their right. Max was evil, but because he ruin his life by being a villain, Max was going to do the same. Caleb is the reason why Max is saving the world, instead of destroying it.

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