Chapter Twenty-Four: A Late Bloomer

Start from the beginning

"We don't know much about this coven." He admitted, "Only that they're a group of human Practitioners led by a Magical Witch taking advantage of them. We don't know how they found out about you or why they're targetting you. We only know they've been stalking you for weeks and that they've tried to kill you more times than you know..."

Cal felt the need to speak up and add, "Don't worry. We won't let anything happen to you or your parents." He said fiercely.

"Anything else." Cordelia corrected.

Kol cleared his throat, demonstrating yet another human feeling; discomfort.

"Right...well we think we should work out a schedule so you always have one of us around."

"You mean a shadow?" Cordelia asked.

"If that's what you want to call it...we have friends we could call and ask to help out...Cal can shadow you at school, I can shadow you at home."

Cal nodded in agreement as Kol spoke which made Cordelia get to her feet. "Wait what? I never agreed to this!"

Cal bit his lip and averted his eyes, but Kol didn't shy away from her gaze.

It dawned on her. "You've already started haven't you?"

Neither had the balls to answer.

"This is just...great. Just fucking great." She muttered before she had a thought. "Was it one of you who was in my room?"

They didn't even need to speak, the answer was all in their faces. First she saw alarm, then realization. "Cordelia neither of us ever went in your house without your permission." Cal assured her.

"A circle member must've been in there." Kol sighed, rubbing his temples.

"That was my first thought too. But they didn't take anything. I don't even know what they could've been looking for..."

At that something in Kol snapped and before she even saw him coming, he was kneeling in front of her gripping her shoulders.

"Cordelia this is very important: did you have anything magical in your house? A grimoir? An amulet? An athame?"

His sudden closeness and alarm made Cordelia hesitant. "I-" that hesitation perturbed Kol even more.

"Think!" He all but yelled at her, his thumbs digging into her flesh.

That's when Cal stepped in, and right in the nick of time. If he hadn't Cordelia might've done to him what she had done to Kyle. "Kol that's enough. You're scaring her." Cal said sternly gently prying him off of her.

Kol regained his sangfroid and gave Cordelia an apologetic nod before returning to his seat.

"I had a book of spells and a book about witchcraft..." Cordelia said finally.

The brothers visibly sighed in relief. "They'll be looking for notes in the margins, a spell you might have created." Cal explained.

"Well they won't find anything." Cordelia replied with a weak smile.

Kol nodded thoughtfully. "As for reincarnation and being a witch...that's harder to explain. You'll learn about it over time but I can tell you the basics."

That's where Cal interrupted, "The way reincarnation works is that in every lifetime you are essentially the same person. Your appearance varies, as do your talents and interests, and things like your upbringing have an effect on your personality but essentially you're the same person." Kol frowned in annoyance but kept his mouth shut.

Cal plowed on, ignoring his brothers sour face. "Reincarnated witches start regaining their powers and memories in adolescence. And like puberty, some get them earlier than others." And by others he meant Cordelia. So even when it came to magic she was a late bloomer. Great.

"Memories usually come in the form of vivid dreams and powers manifest themselves subconciously."

That explained the nightmares. And her powers popping up at random moments. Like when she thought of Nina falling into the pool and subconciously pushed her in.

Cordelia nodded thoughtfully, "So how long have you two known about me?"

"Ever since we moved here. We had had our memories and powers for a few years already and when Cal saw you at school he immediately recognised you." Kol answered.

"So we did know each other in past lives..."

Cal nodded, "In a few different lives. It's not uncommon for witches."

Cordelia nodded. She had a thought and a wide grin spread across her lips. "So when do we get started with Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

A/N: aggh it took so long to upload this chapter I apologize!

If anyone understood the reference at the end of thr chapter than shoutout to you!

I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter...I don't think it's bad but maybe not as a good as others? I dunno it's midnight right now and i'm exhausted.

If you liked this chapter please vote and comment, telling me your thoughts and reactions!

Have a lovely day,


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