Chapter Thirteen

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Alex POV

I just watched as Rick rushed through my bedroom door. I couldn't move or anything. It only just registered in my mind what I had just admitted to and what I had just done when I heard the front door slam shut. Shit. He's going to get Tom. As much as I hate the little shit, I know that Rick isn't seeing clearly right now.
"Shit!" I shouted as I rushed up, grasping the closest t-shirt near me. I ran out into the living room where grandma was looking a bit worried. I knew that he had heard what he had said. River was in her arms but I had to have him with me.
"I'll explain later but I need to go and I'm taking River." I spoke calmly as I took my little pup from her arms. I just smiled at grandma before I was walking out the door with River in my arms and my car keys in the other hand.
I made sure that River was correctly in his car seat and that the seat belt was around it before I raced into the drivers seat and started the engine. Rick's scent had to still be in the air. As I started to drive into town I could see the muddy paw prints on the road, Rick was obviously heading into town. What had I done? Why did I have to tell him? In my head my wolf was purring from the smell of Rick's scent in the air, he always smells of honey and white chocolate.
"Alex!" I heard someone shout as parked the car up at the side of the road. When I got out the truck and looked at who that someone was, it was Tom. My wolf instantly cowered away and left me to deal with him on my own.
"Get away from me Tom!" I shouted as I moved in front of the back seat car door, he can't know or River.
"Where did you run off too? I wanted to ..." Before Tom could finish his sentence Rick's large silver wolf tackled him to the ground, he was showing his teeth while growling at Tom. Tom looked terrified. All I could do was stand there and watch as all the people in the town stopped and looked at what was happening.
"What are you doing Rick?" Tom shouted as he tried to force his brother off of him. Rick quickly changed back to his human form, naked as the day he was born.
"You nearly killed him!" Rick shouted as he punched Tom in the face, all you could hear was the sound of something cracking. By the looks of it Rick had broken Toms nose, there was blood pouring from it all down his shirt and his face.
"Nearly killed who?" Tom asked as he looked up at Rick in shock.
"My son you twat! You nearly killed River!" Rick screamed as he started down at Tom with murderous eyes.
"Who the fuck is River? You don't have a son." Tom shouted back as everyone kept on starring at the two of them, from the corner of my eye I thought I saw their mum and dad.
"Rick stop. Just talk normally to him." I pleaded, I didn't want Tom knowing just yet. He could do anything to me or River. However, before Rick could say another word River started to cry in the car.
"Hear that crying, that's my son and you nearly killed him you son of a bitch!" Rick screamed as I started to open the car door to calm down River.
"Shh River everything is okay." I whispered as I rubbed his chest but it wasn't working. I knew that I would have to get him out and hold him. So I gentle undone his car seat before picking him up and holding him tightly to my chest.
   "See that. That little baby there. That's my son. His names River. I didn't know about him until yesterday because of you. You beat my mate to the point where he nearly died. It was after that beating and he was in the hospital that he found out his was pregnant with our pup. Your the reason he ran and sadly so am I. I missed the pregnancy, I missed the mood swings and the silly cravings at midnight and most of all I missed the birth. I've missed so much because of what you had done." Rick spoke angrily with a murderous look still covering his face and eyes.
   "I didn't know." Tom whispered while being forced to look at me holding River. I was terrified and so was my wolf.
   "What do you mean he beat your mate?" Their dad asked and that's when I started to calm down a little but, I still felt a little on edge. Their parents never knew that Rick had found his mate, or that we had mated. Rick was afraid to tell him as he always mentioned that he wanted Rick to have a female mate, so he was just scared of what he might do.
   "Dad. Alex is my mate. We mated not long after we met and about a month after that Tom beat him up but, I just stood and there and watched as he threatened to tell you. I was scared of you finding out as you always mentioned that you wanted me to have a female mate, I didn't want to be a disappointment to you." Rick spoke a little calmer as he look up at his dad, he was still holding Tom down to the ground with so much force.
   "Son I wouldn't of been disappointed and I understand why you didn't want to tell me, but I'm a bit disappointed over the fact that you chose not to have me found out over protecting your mate, your mate should always come first." His dad spoke calmly.
   "I'm still going to punish him dad." Rick said as he stood up, dragging Tom up with him.
   "I don't blame you. I say a week in the cells should do it. Plus I want this over with so I can officially meet my grandson and have some time with him. Also you need to get some clothes on son as most of the unmated females look like they are going to jump you any minute." I growled instantly looking at all of the females surrounding us.
   "I agree. I'll just throw him into the cells for a week and then I can introduce you to my son."

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