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I woke up again to have the one who was next to me now in me, moaning and groaning his straw like hair covering his demented eyes. He kept pushing harder and harder, I couldn't watch his evil smile as he assaulted me, over my shoulder I saw Lindsey and the other guy, Lindsey and I locked eyes, then I noticed the puddle of blood around her. She was a virgin, as much as she liked to party and grind on guys, she never had sex. She was dying,bleeding out all over the carpet, the guy stood her up by the throat and pulled out a little silver kitchen knife. He stabbed her, once, twice, five times in her lower stomach, he dropped her then called her a "pure-bitch" then slit her throat.

I looked back towards my attacker and closed my eyes tears were rolling down my face. I heard a " Hurry up, and finish" then felt a warm sensation fill me up, the ass hole didn't even wear a fucking condom. I went still hoping that they thought I was dead, and they did. They put us both in the trunk and drove for a good 45 minutes before they stopped, they picked me up and threw me down in a ditch, and then threw Lindsey. I didn't move until I knew they had left for good, I stood up slowly for the medicine was still in my system and moved toward the top of the ditch. I couldn't look back, it was like what had just happened to her didn't happen that she too would get up out of the ditch, she didn't she was well pass dead.

I found myself just outside of the town the hotel we had rented was, I stayed my legs that didn't want to work all the way to the hotel without being seen. You let this happen , you weak bitch. You could've pushed him off of you and grabbed Lindsey and got the hell out of there. Now she's DEAD!
I got into the shower and washed off Lindsey's blood and the dirt from the ditch, my entire body was numb I couldn't even cry. My best friend was killed in front of me and I couldn't even cry. After the shower I crawled into the bed that me and Lindsey were going to share turned off the light and stared off into the nothingness.

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