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[a/n- here you go, second update. I hope you're all happy, and I decided to leave it on a cliff hanger because yeah and the next chapter will be another a/n thing but it was requested that I do it and I don't really have a choice so eh. But anyway, I'll do that tomorrow. Enjoy the chapter, it'll be the last one for a little while.]

Jason decided he'd answer first. "Well! I tried to befriend her but this imbecile decided to kill her sibling when she was young. So she never knew her (brother/sister)." Jason said glaring at Jack pointing a rude finger at him.

Candy Pop seemed interested and decided to take mental note of everything that was being said. Jack leaned around Candy to return Jason's glare. "Yeah? Well I've known her longer!" He said with superiority.

Jason growled. "You have no evidence to support that! We both just knew her as a child and she can't remember it at all because it got wiped!" He said angrily standing his ground.

Jack grabbed Jason's collar, standing up, pushing Candy Pop out of the middle. "Yeah? And whose fault is it again that her memory got wiped? Not fucking mine!" He snapped, his face dark and voice venomous.

Jason slapped Jacks hand away, he was going to punch him in the face but they got thrown out by one of the bouncers. Candy Pop awkwardly followed still taking note of everything they said before both boys stormed off in opposite directions growling and mumbling to themselves. "Wait guys! Don't leave!" Candy shouted after them desperately but his please fell on deaf ears as both boys left and Candy Pop slowly made his way back to (y/n)'s house.

~(y/n)'s POV~

I sighed, making my way home from the movies. It was a nice afternoon. I made my way through the park on the way home, I decided to sit down on one of the park benches before I went home. Thinking for some time I let out a sigh. "It's a nice day to be outside," I spoke aloud before a voice in my head chimed in "days like these are the best for kids like you to be playing outside." My head pulsed with the memory. I winced and brought my hands to my temples trying to sooth the pain. I felt another pulse before falling to my side, laying on the bench, I fell into unconsciousness.

~In your dreams~

I watched, intrigued, I couldn't tell if this was a dream or a memory. It had that same white haze around the edges like a dream seemed so familiar. I saw a little me run around the park by my house, I was running as if to get away from something. But it wasn't fear on my face, perhaps I was running from a friend?

I watched as I saw myself look left and right before climbing up a tree and hiding in its branches as a blurred figure made its way to the park. "(Y/n)~ I'm going to find you~" it said in a sing song voice, almost taunting my childhood self. "You can't hide forever~" the seemingly male figure said walking over to the tree I had previously scurried up. I had no choice but to watch in fear for my younger self as I dropped from the tree and landed on the much larger male figures shoulders. He jolted at first before straightening up and chuckling. "Ahhh, there you are. You must stop running off like that, you scared me." He said mockingly with a hand to his chest, faking hurt.

The seemingly five year old me seemed to pout and pat his head. "Awww I'm sorry Ja-" it's cut out, all I could her was static. I sat up quickly, wiping the cold sweat off my brow. I my bed, but how did I get here? I looked about my room when I saw a glass of water on my bedside table with a note beside it. I read the note first.

Hey (y/n),
You were talking in your sleep, I'd like to talk to you about it later if you don't mind.

-Candy Pop. 🙂

I rose a brow before shrugging. I quickly finished the glass of water and got up, almost falling as a memory of my father came to me. "Now (y/n) I don't want to hear anymore about this friend of yours ok? He isn't real" he growled grabbing my shoulders. "You aren't to leave the house without your mother or I, you hear me?!" My five year old self flinched at his shouting and got up running away. "He IS real! You'll see!" That's where the flashback ended. I shook my head to clear it, it's been a long time since I've had a flashback. I put on some slippers and made my way to the lounge room where I found Candy Pop on the couch watching TV. I decided to sit down and join him.

He chuckled upon seeing my bed hair. "Good morning sleeping beauty," he said sarcastically turning to me. "May I ask you something?" He inquired arching a brow and giving me his undivided attention.

I paused a moment before nodding, "sure, I'll answer to the best of my ability" I answered honestly.

He nodded before his smile disappeared slightly. "What can you tell me of your own past encounters with Jack and Jason?" He said with the most serious face I've ever seen him wear.

Laughing Jack X reader X Jason the toymakerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum