The secret room

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[A/n- I'm calling the little bunny Jason made BonBon, if that's the wrong and it actually has a name please comment and tell me so 'cause I honestly don't have a clue but BonBon will do for now :3]

Once (y/n) arrived home she wandered through her house passing empty room by empty room until she got to her bedroom. She placed the small rabbit on her bed and the jack-in-a-box on her shelf/bedside table. As (y/n) realises she's home alone on the day before her 19 birthday she decides to do something she's wanted to do for years. Perhaps I should explain?

You see when (y/n) was young she had an imaginary best friend and all she knows is that she had one, her parents seemed to refuse talking about it and apparently she didn't have it for long. As (y/n) got older she seemed to forget about the friend but for whatever reason it always nagged her at the back of her mind. Now there is a slight problem you see and the main reason (y/n) chose to forget about her childhood...she had a sibling. May I remind you, she HAD a sibling, there is a room on the far end of the house to the side of the attic that she was never allowed to enter. It always intrigued (y/n) she didn't know why but it was as if something in there had been calling her after her siblings disappearance and now that she was an adult she decided it was time to take matters into her own hands.

Curiosity took over (y/n) as she entered the last place she saw (s/n) ((siblings name)).
With a slight creek from the door as it was pushed open (y/n) looked surprised at the mostly empty room, the only things in there were furniture and old toys that were all covered in dust and slightly withered from ageing in this room for years. But in the middle of a lime green wall on the left of the room was a small blue door. Now you see (y/n) had watched Coralline a few times so obviously this scared her a little but she approached it. It was a small wooden door in the middle of the wall, the bottom of it was about halfway up her thigh and the top would have had to be just above eye level. It was a wooden door, and very old by the look of it and a lovely blue like the middle of the sky on a clear day.

Nervously (y/n) grabbed the door handle and slowly and carefully pushed the small door open with a creek. Leaning in towards the wall as the door opened inwards she smiled almost triumphant, there was something in here. As the door opened roughly 40 degrees inward the girls smile faltered slightly as she heard a small bell and the lights in this 'room' began to flicker on. The only thing (y/n) saw before she quickly shut the door in fear was rows upon rows of toys and a man sat at a desk in the back corner making another toy slowly lifting his head to the door. As soon as the door was shut she was in shock.

"Was that a....toy factory? my house?" The girl questioned herself, she didn't know what to think but one thing she did know as that she didn't want to bump into that guy again.

(Y/n) quickly ran over to the furniture in the room, got a large bookshelf and put it in front of the door, then a large set of draws, nothing was getting out of that room. After slapping her hands together, proud of her work she left to go back to her room and gently shut the door to the former 'secret room' behind her. (Y/n) walked into her room happily but as she walked in she saw the bunny she decided to call BonBon had turned around and was now facing her as she walked through the door.

"That's odd" she thought to her self.

She walked over and gently sat the bunny up properly and decided to take a look at the Jack-in-a-box she had gotten for free earlier. Picking it up gently in her hands she sat on her bed and as something in the back of her mind told her not to, she decided to begin turning the hand crank listening to the familiar tune of 'pop goes the weasel' and began singing along.

"All around the mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel, the monkey thought t'was in fun til POP goes the weasel. Half a pound of two penny rice, half a pound of treacle, mix it up and make it nice, POP goes the weasel. Up and down the city lane, in and out of the eagle, that's the way the money goes..." She stopped her self as the music stopped and the lid popped up.

(Y/n) pouted at the box as nothing came out, the box was empty. She sighed to herself as she placed it gently back on the shelf.

"No wonder they gave it to me for free" she sighed but then smiled at the box. "but on the other hand I love clowns so I'm gonna keep it." She nodded in agreement to herself and walked over to BonBon and picked him up deciding to go watch movies until her parents got home.

She carefully walked to the loungeroom and turned on the TV and sat on the couch after putting ((favourite movie)) in the DVD (VHS if it's a tape) player and began watching as she cuddled up with BonBon on the couch. But before her parents came home she had fallen asleep on the couch. A figure stood at the back of the couch smiling down at (y/n).

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Whatever shall I do with you? You're gonna catch a cold sleeping out here on the couch like that." The figure then draped a warm fuzzy blanket over her. "Sleep tight, for tomorrow is your birthday and will be something truly special." And with that the figure left.

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