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Tyler Lockwood updated his status: Do you guys still hate me?

Klaus: Definitely a yes

Damon: ^

Klaus: PLEASE Damon like I said before, STOP WITH THE UP ARROWS!

Damon: Okay I'm sorry

Klaus: You should be

Caroline: I still like you!

Tyler: You don't count you're my ex

Caroline: :(

Klaus: Don't make my girlfriend sad or I will kill you

Tyler: I didn't do anything she's just a little bitch who thinks she's better than everyone else.

Klaus: I think you're talking about Elena not Caroline

Tyler: Yeah I'm pretty sure I just described Elena LOL

Elijah: LMFAO!

Klaus: .......

Tyler: .......

Damon: ^^^

Klaus: DAMON!

Damon: Sorry...

Klaus: Elijah I didn't know you still had a FaceBook

Elijah: I do, I've been using it to stalk all these conversations

Klaus: That's kinda creepy...

Elijah: Well I'm a 1000 year old vampire I'm allowed to be creepy

Klaus: True

Katherine: ^^^

Klaus: Hey Katherine!

Damon: SHES ALLOWED TO UP ARROW BUT I CANT!!!!????????????????????????£~¥<€#¥<+#+£%%+>£#+%£}=]£~€\++~

Klaus Mikaelson reported Damon Salvawhore for Spam and Harassment

Tyler: Lol

Klaus: ^^^

Tyler: ^^^

Caroline: ^^^

Elijah: ^^^

Katherine: ^^^

Elijah: Wait a second... What do all these "up arrows" mean?

FACEBOOK CHATS ≫ THE VAMPIRE DIARIESМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя