An Ancient Maidens Life...

Start from the beginning

This kind gentleman, who broke his family oath, gave enough pieces to live for a while also made a second offering. "From this day fourth, I shall look after your child. Until the day she too can work, I will be her care taker. So you both don't need to worry." With that, Apollo left the family to rise from poverty. And with the promise to keep their child in a safe place, the days were long for the father, who kept to his word and rebuilt the home for his wife. The two visited Apollo in his own single mart for bread and rice. He is always pleased to see the father when he comes, just as the father is pleased to see Apollo keep his word. "... Me and my wife... we are pleased that you kept your word... But..."

Apollo stiffed his eyes and voice began to soften. "... But...?" The father continued with his explination. "... There is a man, that wishes to end my life and my wife as well..." Apollo felt his heart get stabbed. Who would want someone that came out of poverty dead? To Apollo, the world will always be black and white, but for someone to kill a man in poverty then to help him, was too much to believe. "Do you know who it is?" Was the only question Apollo manage to say. "I am afraid not. There are many men in alliances these pass few years, it is quite hard to even get one single name given out." Apollo placed his hand on his shoulder, and pulled him close to give him an idea.

"... Leave this forgotten place, and find a new life in the new world..." The father started to shed tears as he agreed on leaving for safety for him and his wife. "I do not wish to see you or your loved one fall into a tombstone..." Upon agreeing, he packed his belongings, grabbed food for the journey ahead, and met up with Apollo at the docks. "Please treat her as if she was of your blood and heart..." said the father who knew his time for departure was coming. "Teach her what is right, and what is wrong... and give her endless love and support, I beg of you." The guide blew his horn, and yelled, "It is midnight, the final call for passengers is now!" The child's mother wept her final tear, and borded after giving her only child her blessing, and a gift. The father gave his blessing as well, and waved at Apollo.

Apollo looked into his eyes, and saw he was the last out of the ten with the illness. His wife managed to be one of the lucky few that surpassed it, and was full of health, but the father was unfortunate in the end. "I promise your daughter will be as pure like the maiden who will one day impress the holy serpent." This pleased the man's heart. The mother kissed her daughter goodbye, and the two men went their separate ways. The next day, Apollo's friend, Ares, went towards Apollo, full of laughter. "What seems to be funny Ares?" Ares soon calmed down and told Apollo what was so funny to him.

"Last night, I tried to sink one of my own ships with visitors from other lands." said Ares.

"Should I even be giving you a look of surprise or shame? I know how you are by now."

"I failed, but I did manage to hit one of the riders on the head. So win for me." Ares said full of pride.

Apollo looked at Ares full of fright and shock. "You did what? Why do you bother those who pay you to travel?" Wiping out his tears from his laughter, Ares managed to say: "They are nothing more than money giving dogs to me any way. Smile before they get on your ship I say." After he left to an alley, Apollo stayed out of his building lost in thought, hoping that his secret friend was able to flee with his wife. Disappointed from what he heard. The baby on his arms started to cry for food and milk. And soon after, opened her eyes, her sky blue eyes met his brown eyes, and gave a small smile to him.

Apollo looked down at her as she laughed.

"You don't know this, but your family is safe. And I'll tell you one thing too my little friend."

Apollo vibrated his shoulder to rock her to sleep. And realized to what this town has truly come into. Apollo closed his eyes and thought back to the time he first agreed to take her in. It was night, the moon was still rising, and Apollo was eating his chicken with rice on the table. He turned to the child who was sleeping with the sheep wool that his mother gave him. Seeing her breath slowly worried him, but his nerves came to calm when she hugged the toy and turned to her side with her eyes shut. "... I know what to call you..." Apollo got up, put his plate down, and walked to his new child. "I will call you the name that my mother had... One that I promised to name my child of blood and flesh..." Apollo held the child on his arms, and brought her close to his cheek. His memories of his mother doing the same scene came to mind, and his instincts of a father started to come to him. "... Lilium... My sweet, little Lilium..."

"That's right... you are now my pride and my joy from this day on..."

With that, Apollo took his new child to his room and laid her on his bed to dream. Apollo slept on the floor near the window, and looked at the stars. As he was brought back to the present. "... What a mess this world has become, I wish that in time... It will be better... For you..." He gave a small peck to Lilium, and went back to his mart to tend to his customers.
All Apollo can do for now is look after this child that he promised to look after. He may have broken the oath of the family that started the madness, but this was any oath he will never break. "... Hello sir, how may I help you?" He asked an elder man that was looking at apples. The elder turned, and smiled at the gentleman. "I am interested in giving you a choice of a new life." answered the elder.

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