One Step At A Time

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"Melody!Melody!Melody! Wake up, you gotta wake up and quit screaming!" Batya said as she shook Melody's body as she lie asleep in her bed. She had been screaming non-stop for five minutes in her sleep. Finally after a few more minutes of shaking and screaming Melody wakes up alarmed.

"Tay-Taylor let's go! Weird sleep demon thingy!!!" Melody said as she rapidly got up and dragged Batya down the hall to a a brown wooden door.

"Now that where here what do we do?" Batya said as she pulled down her oversized t-shirt.

"This!" Melody responded as the door swung open.

With eyes wide open, "You did that shit with your mind!?!" Batya said astonished. The girls ran into Taylor's room to find her being choked out by a black silhouette of a female. "Let her go!" Batya screamed in a shaky voice. The silhouette disappeared as Taylor gasped for air.

"Taylor right?" Melody asked.


"Your in our room tonight." Melody demanded.

"Where is she going to sleep?" Batya asked.

"We'll work it out, let's go." Melody said.

"Bitch or no bitch what about Priya, what if that shadow thing comes back." Batya said.

"Already putting your powers to use huh?" Priya had woken up and was now behind them, and in shock Melody froze her.

"Awesome." Taylor said as she waved her hand in Priya' s face.

"If you lady's know what's best for you you'll erase her memory of what just happened." A stern voice said, "Confused huh? I guess that means you didn't get a glimpse of my book at all." Luna said as she handed Batya a piece of old tattered paper. " Don't make this a habit, you all need to be careful."

"Yes Luna." The girls said in unison.

"Now that little freeze thing you've got going on is bound to wear off soon. Batya read that spell for me and afterwards you three need to go back to the room and get some sleep! Wake up is at 6!"

Batya opened the paper and recited the following:


"I feel like the dumbest girl here at Foxmarth Academy." Batya said as she finished up her two French ponytails.

"Why?" Melody asked.

"Because last night you and Luna knew exactly what to do, and I was terrified. I don't know what to do with these supernatural powers."

"Trust I was the same way." Taylor responded as she attempted to place her untamed hair in bun.

"You're learning, so am I." Melody admitted.

"All I did last night, was scream."

"But it worked. You most definitely saved my life.


"Class I would like to introduce you all to our new pupil Batya Olano." Professor Cordrail said.

"Hi, I'm Leiko." An Asian girl with a sleeve of tattoos going down her arm whispered to me.

"Ms.Kim shut it please, you'll have all the time in the world to talk to Ms.Batya after class. Now unless you would like to inform the class on what a demon is I suggest you hush." Professor Cordrail hissed.

"Hmph... I rather not."


"Let's get to work. First off Batya who is this?" Melody asked as she pointed at Leiko.

"This is Leiko I met her in my Underworld 101 class. She is pretty dope." Batya said grinning stupidly.

"This is a serious matter. Luna said to be careful and here you are lettering strangers in our room." Melody said as she narrowed her eyes towards the door as the door opened violently.

"She was careful. I'm not her for fun and games I'm here to help." Leiko said.

"Exactly how?" Taylor asked.

"Kage, I've faced this demon before." Leiko said.

"But obviously you failed because it tried to kill Taylo last night." Melody stated.

"I learned a lesson, I didn't fail."

"Give her a chance! She's useful I swear. I can help you with what you need." Leiko said pleading.

"What can you do?" Melody asked, "What do you have to offer.

"Valuable information. Aura perception and astral projection." Leiko said with a smirk on her face.

"Fine, we'll give you chance. But I swear if you for one second think you can screw us over I will get rid of you!" Melody said loudly.

"CALM DOWN DAMMIT!" Batya screamed.

"Batya I'm gone, when this little   she devil gets over  her attitude let me know." Leiko stated as she headed to the door. "Shit!! Let me out!" Leiko said banging on the door.

"Sit please." Melody said.

"Change of heart?"

"Something like that. Kage is coming back tonight and it's planning on killing Taylor tonight." Melody said lowly.

"We need to come up with a plan then."

"Ohhhh goodness. Must I do everything. Ladies check the book. Taylor and Leiko you have some explaining to do about Kage. Melody you check the book and Batya have some faith in yourself. And before I go Leiko you have a detention to serve tonight at four."


"Are we sure this is going to work?" Batya asked concerned.

"Well looks like someone's a little worried." Leiko said laughing.

"Am not!" Batya yelled.

"Ok, places everyone. I'm not too sure when this thing is going to come but we need to be ready." Melody insisted. Taylor went to Melody's bed and lied down. Hours went by and nothing happened, the girls had fallen asleep. Screams began to ring out, as Melody woke up she was able to freeze the Kage the shadow demon. "Girls wake up!...Taylor can you move?" Melody asked. Taylor was able to orb her body from under the demon.  "Batya we don't have time. Say the spell!"

"Evil is a faithful foe, but good does battle best. We witches will, with these words waste this demons evil zest."

The shadow demon unfroze and burst into flames. "OH MY GOD! WHAT DO WE DO NOW!?!" Taylor screamed. The fire died down and on the floor laid a petite middle age brunette woman. "Is she dead?" Batya asked stepping back.

"Is she ok... I  mean should we be in here with my attempted killer...I  mean this IS kind of strange." Taylor said shaking.

Leiko walked up to the body and rubbed her hair down, "She's alive and she's fighting. I can't get a read on if she's good or evil."

"That's my mom...."  Melody stood there astonished.

Sorry this Chapter is late, short and pretty boring. I'm trying to put chapters together and the ideas aren't flowing like I wish they would. Next chapter should focus on Melody relationships with her mother and grandmother. And Batya tries to get a grip on her past & her new found powers with the help of someone special. Comment! Give me some ideas it would be greatly appreciated :)

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