hi, im tyler.

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tuesday, september 14th,  2:39 pm.


"hi, im tyler." I say, kindashaking because immediately i notice that this boy has a black eye. "oh, umm- im josh." the boy stutters. "so, what brings you to, y'know, me?" the boy asks again, but very quietly this time. i answer with a simple, "oh um, i, i like your um, your hair." he nods his head and acknowledges the nirvana shirt that im wearing. "hey, i love your shirt. i have one just like it."


we sit there for what seems like forever, talking about things like animals, food, and music. his favorite animals are cats. he loves tacos. he loves underoath, bullet for my valentine, death cab for cutie, green day, and stiff like that. he shows me some of his art. which is beautiful. he plays drums. he's 17, only a few months older than me. he's homeschooled. he likes coffee. he is really cool. i think i might like josh.


wednesday, september 15th, 6:30 am.


my alarm goes off. i remember, im suspended for punching greg. i also remember, i forgot to go to the school and scrape the gum. i call the school, asking if i can talk to mr. harris.

"mr. harris, i am so sorry i didn't show up yesterday, please, ca-"

"tyler, it's okay. you dont have to scrape the gum. i am shortening your suspension to until next monday. then you'll return and catch up. i have to be in a meeting. goodbye tyler."

i tell him bye and hang up the phone. i call josh.

"tyler? it's 7:00 in the morning? what's going on?"

"oh, um- i was wondering, do you wanna come over? to my house?" i stuttered so mug. he thinks im weird. oh no-

"yeah, yeah i kinda do. where do you live?" i give him my address and he tells me he is on his way. i hurry and straighten up my house, and thank god my parents dissapeared last night. it's not like they've never done that.


8:16 am.


my doorbell rings. i answer the door and let josh in. im shaking. do i like like him? nah man, im completely straight. i always have been. but he's so cute-

"so what do you wanna do?" he asks me. i get so confused so i say the first thing that pops into my mind.

"oh, do you wanna watch a movie?" really tyler? he doesn't wanna lay in bed and watch a stupi-

"sure, what movie?" think tyler think!

"oh uh- how about um- how about you pick one off of the shelf over there? ill um- i- ill make us some coffee?" stop being so awkward tyler!

"okay, how about this one?" he picks out the movie the night before christmas. "it's my favorite movie. i love tim burton. y'know, i was jack for halloween for three years in a row." he's so fucking adorable.

"okay, can do. let's head upstairs." tyler, too much! just watch it in the living room!


we get upstairs and i put the movie on and sit on the bed. he's so cute. he takes a sip of his coffee then lays down. the movie begins, and he slowly places his hand on mine, and my heartbeat is so fast i feel like my heart is going to fly out of my chest.

18:55. // twenty one pilotsWhere stories live. Discover now