the café

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tuesday, september 14th, 2:18 am.


i couldn't sleep. i have been trying to for the past five hours. i want to call jenna, but she doesn't know. i haven't told her yet. and i don't plan on it. my arms burn. my eyes are dry. i can't breathe. i walk to the local café, musical coffee, and i order a bagel and a double shot espresso. i walk to a table in the far left corner and sit down. i put in my headphones, and slowly eat my bagel. i see a boy across the room, with bright blue hair, and mocha eyes. he looks sad. maybe i should go talk to him. i don't know.


the boy with bright blue hair and mocha eyes picked up his bag and put on his beanie and left. dang it tyler, why didn't you go talk to him? why are you so stupid? "i am not stupid," i muttered aloud. people are staring. i hurry up and eat my bagel and walk outside to my bike.


i get on my bike, py my headphones in, and hit shuffle. a love like war by all time low begins to blare through my ears.


"make a wish on our sorry little hearts, have a smoke pour a drink, steal a kiss in the dark. fingernails on my skin like the teeth of a shark. im intoxicated by the lie."

i see trees in the wind, street lights shining on houses, so many beautiful things i forget where to turn to go home.

"hearts on fire tonight, feel my bones ignite, feels like war, war, feels like war, war"

im home now. i turn into my backyard and climb to my bedroom window and get into bed and try to sleep. i shuffle my playlist again, this time the sound by the 1975 plays. i close my eyes and drift into a peaceful slumber.


tuesday, september 14th, 6:30 am.


my alarm clock goes off, waking me up. i get up, and get into the shower. the water is burning my arms. my body is warm. my hair is hanging in my face. i step out of the shower and get dressed. then i head to school.

18:55. // twenty one pilotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora