2. Like Luke Hemmings!

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I looked back at the text after Ana left.

Unknown number: who the fuck are you?

Me: um who are you?

Unknown number: I asked you first, now tell me

Me: geez chill, how did you even get my number?

Unknown number: you prankcalled me!

Oh shit, even though the person who had texted me was mad I myself found the situation rather amusing.

Me: oh oops sorry for that

Unknown number: whatever, bye

Me: wait! I never got your name

I sighed I really wanted to know the person's name, I mean I've already apologized haven't I? Wait why do I even wanna know the name of whoever this is?


Two hours later my phone beeped again.

Unknown number: Luke

Me: what?

Unknown number: my name is Luke

Me: oehh like Luke Hemmings

Luke: yeah I guess

Luke: what's your name?

Me: Elizabeth

Luke: lovely name

Me: why thank you I got it for my birthday

Luke: wow

Luke: that was an awful joke

Me: :-(

Luke: *:-)

Me: no

Luke: yes

Me: anyway I gotta go bye ttyl

Luke: bye


Short chapter sorry,

Quick question, what language(s) do you speak?

I speak, dutch, english and french fluently :)

-S x

Prank Call //L.H//जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें