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Work time!

They were all called for a staff meeting

"Mr. Legaspi said he'll double his deal if we agree today". Theone started the meeting

"Sir.. I think It's better if we closed the deal with Mr. Legaspi". Nicolas agreed

"I agree". Karylle went inside and kissed Nicolas cheeks

"Sorry.. sir, she forced me". Cato apologized

"You forget your lunch babe". K handed over Nicolas lunch

"Thanks". Nicolas kissed her cheeks

"Ehem!!". Vice tried to seek some attention

"Sorry sir". Nicolas apologize

"I brought something for you too Vice". K gave a pack of lunch to Vice

"Thank you". Vice shaked hands

"Why don't we ask Karylle opinion over this". Angel suggested

All of them agreed except for Vice. But they had too do it due to needed help so much.

"Close the deal with Mr. Legaspi and in return you'll get some more boats for shipment". K said

"I think that's a really good idea". Julia agreed

"Ok.. Angel call Mr. Legaspi and close the deal ". Vice said


Vice ate lunch at his office but Karylle went inside

"Do you have a minute?". K asked

"Yup.. what do you wanna talk about K?". Vice asked

"I think that Nicolas is going to propose". K chuckled

"So?". Vice asked

"Can you be like my investigator?". K pleaded

"I'm not sure but, I'll try". Vice agreed

"Thanks!". K kissed Vice on the cheeks and left


"Why did you call me sir?". Nicolas asked

"So you do you have any plans? I don't know proposals?". Vice asked

"No!! I'm not going to propose to K". Nicolas answered

"What I mean is proposal for Mr. Villafuerte". Vice added

"Um.. don't tell it to K that I'll propose to her tonight". Nicolas said

"I promise!!". Vice raised his right hand


"She's getting married?!". Buern was shocked

"Hindi hindi!! of course she'll say yes". Vice joked

"But are you ok with it?". Archie asked

"I have too Archie". Vice answered with a sad tone

"We'll be here with you Vice always". Anne said and patted his back

"Kuys!! let's just have fun forget the problems". Billy suggested

They agreed and started singing karaoke.


"Table for two please". Nicolas demanded

"Here you go sir". The waitress pointed at an empty table

"Why did you want to eat here Nicolas?". K asked

"Because. I want to ask you something". Nicolas knelt down

"Huh?". K started crying

"Ana Karylle Padilla Tatlonghari.. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I don't want us to break up so let's get to the upper level or start a new chapter in our life.. Will you marry me?".





"Yes!!". K nodded and they both hugged

Mr & Mrs. Wilson

A/N: Hold your fire!! don't you dare throw that knife at me!! I want to live cause I'm still young!!
love you!!

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