Meeting The Originals

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I look back at my phone to check the house number,and there it is one of the biggest houses i have ever seen. I walk up the long concrete to the big wood door and 


Soon the door opens up to a vary handsome man with brown hair and he's dressed in a suit. ( I think well all know how that is :) )

"E'llo" he says with a gorgeous british accent.

"Hi I'm Sarafina" i say all bright and bubbly.

" I'm here for Rebekah" i say with a smile. He smiles back his teeth a brilliant white "Oh of course please come in" As i walk through I find 2 devilishly handsome men one with a smile an one with a smirk. (who do you think they are)

"So , your Rebekah's new friend," the dark haired man said. God they all have accents to die for.

                                                                         Klaus's pov

There were 3 nocks at the door and i here Bekah yell "My new friend is coming over , BE NICE" she yelled the last words more sharply. Bekah had friends? i thought to my self. Well then I was happy she had someone to talk to, and not whine to us. Elijah opened the door and this bell like voice rang through at that i almost moaned to which caught me off guard, because i never moaned to someones voice. Kol and I got up to great Rebekah's new friend. I put on my best smile getting ready to meet the girl who almost made me moan, and kol being kol put on a smirk. The girl walked in and i all most fell to my knees she was so beautiful it was hard breathe. She had long perfectly curled light brown hair and in the light it shined a little gold. She was tone with a natural tan. Her face shimmered with happiness and excited features that made me happy to know she was happy. She walked in with grace, and her tight jeans made me growl with lust and with anger i didn't want anyone else seeing her in that outfit. "Hello" she said with her bell like voice. "I'm Sarafina" my knees shook she was so beautiful. "E'llo I'm Kol Mikaelson said "And I'm Niklaus Mikaelson" she looked up to me with panicked expreshion. I frowned what's wrong. "Excuse me i must be going something has come up." NO! I wanted her to stay. "Tell Rebekah we will go shopping some other time." she said and ran out the door.

                                                                     3rd pov

The Mikaelson's stood shocked at klaus. "What happened" kol said. "I don't know" i said. "She seamed scared and nervous when you said your name klaus" said Elijah. I grinned me evilest grin and said "So the little one has heard of me"

                                                                Sarefina's pov

Once i heard klaus's name i knew i had to get out. I ran all the way to the Salvatore bording house. I slambed opened the door to see damon at his bar." Damon" I said trying to call my breathing because I have asthma he looked at me with a drink in his hands. I fell to mu knees trying to breathe. His eyes bulged out  as he figured out what was happoning he sped towards me grabing my sholders "Breathe Sara Breathe, STEFAN"!!!! he yelled. Stefan came down the stares "Whats going on"?!?!? "GRAB ME SARA'S inhaler from the BOOK SHELF"! Damon yelled. "Come on Sara please just breathe" Stefan sped towards me and gave Damon one of my extra inhalers I gave to him just in case, and put it in my mouth ( ok so just fyi i dont have asthma so i dont know what happns so i could be off sorry) he pulled my body into his side to lean on. My breathing began to slow finnaly i was breathing normaly. Damon toke the inhaler out of my mouth. I toke in a deep breath and said "I found Klaus." his eyes bulged again and stared eyeing my body to see if i had any broken bones or was hurt. "What!" he yelled right in my face. "Are you ok" he said in a softer tone Damon is like my brother we love and take care of each other but just in a family way. Damon, Stefan, and I are like family we all undersdod each other and knew eveything about one another. "Ya, he didn't hurt me but i meet him and his family" i said. "What the hell Sara your supost to stay away from him" I raise and eyebrow at him. " 1. how and i supost to know what he looks like. 2. I was just walking to Rebekah's house and he was there and introdused him self." i yelled in his face. "I know it's just you could have gotten hurt" he said giving me a hug. Stefan called Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline to talk about klaus. I sat down on one of the coutches I could not stop thinking about him. He was so gorgeous he had short blond lightly culrled hair and brilliant blue eyes with a lustfull deep british accent. When he smiled at me it warmed my heart. His perly white and sharp teeth were shining big with his smile. He was the most handsome man i have ever seen. You could see his abbs through his shirt and they were perfecly sculpted. I knew he was dangerous, but deep down i could not wait to see him again.

Hey guys sorry i do not have spell check so there is a lot of miss spelt words.I made it long for you . Tell me what you thinked message me or comment. Message me some ideas because thats all a got so far. I will update when i have another idea.

Bye my readers,


Mates with a HybridOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora