Meeting Again

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Your POV
It was Sunday night and i am going to karaoke, it's what i do on Sunday nights. I am mous at the karaoke place since i am the best singer. I chose my favourite song to sing since it was the last song you could choose. I got there but i saw the ninja. Oh crap.

I quickly ran behind the stage so they don't see me. I start breathing in and out.
Oh crap
What am I gonna doooooooooooooooooooooo (!o~o!)
Then suddenly... The speaker dude said "Welcome back ladies sand gentlemen! Oh what a surprise! The ninja are here!" "Well up first is Y/N!"
I would swear but their prob kids reading so whatever
Break forth wall much?
I walk on stage and blush because the ninja are literally in the front row like right in front of me. *//////* I start singing f/s

Le time skip till your done becus idk what you f/s in this is

Everyone clapped and I blushed even harder and speed walked off the stage and out the door. I face plam on the softest thing I can find, dirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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