My hand reached up to run through his hair, attempting to smooth it into the devilishly handsome style it was in earlier, but to no avail.  He grimaced when he realized what I was doing, taking note of my own hair, which was surely a horrific mess.

“I don’t think there’s any fixing that, babe,” I muttered, still attempting to calm his hair while he just looked hopelessly at mine.

“Hopefully no one notices,” he laughed.  I blushed; a small part of me was kind of turned on at the idea of people knowing what we had done in here, although preferably, those people would not be Harry’s immediate family.  “Ready? We better go before my mom gets even more suspicious.”

“Yeah, let’s go.”

He gripped my hand in his, kissing my lips once before pulling me toward the door.  After listening closely once more and apparently hearing nothing, he swung open the door.

“Harry, tuck in your shirt you slob,” I teased as he turned back to grin at me guiltily.

“Yes, Harry.  Please tuck in your shirt.”

My blood ran cold in my veins as the unamused voice floated through my ears.  Why hadn’t I waited to speak until I had been sure we were clear?  Harry and I both whipped our head guilty towards her voice, eyes confirming what we both already knew.  Much to my horror, Anne sat perched in a chair in the corner of the landing we were on, her arms crossed firmly over her chest as she glared at us. 

Blood rushed to my face as I sucked my lips into my mouth, eyes widening in terror as she regarded us with her stone cold glare.  My hand was pressed into Harry’s lower back where I had just been about to playfully shove him, frozen against him as we both stopped in our tracks looking extremely guilty. 

“Care to have a chat, you two?” Anne said coolly, her eyes sliding icily back and forth between us.  Harry cleared his throat, fidgeting with the sleeves us his shirt as he pushed them up his forearms. 

“Um… sure,” he said, his tone clearly indicating he would rather do literally anything else.

“Great,” she replied, standing up and smoothed out her dress, marching promptly straight past us into the room we had just emerged from.  If possible, I felt myself growing a deeper shade of red as I glanced nervously at Harry.  His expression mirrored mine- utter horror accompanied by a heated flush, rounded off nicely by extremely obviously destroyed hair. 

“We’re fucked,” I mouthed at him silently.  He grimaced and nodded as he turned to re-enter the room.  I followed him sheepishly, attempting to hide behind his wide shoulders. 

“Sit.”  I tried not to wince at Anne’s harsh tone as she pointed at the small sofa across from the armchair she had perched herself in.  At least she wasn’t making us sit on the bed- I would have absolutely died of embarrassment.

“So. Dears. Care to explain?” she asked sternly, arching an eyebrow at us.  We both remained silent as I looked anywhere but at her, unable to look her in the eye.  It was blatantly obvious she knew exactly what had happened.  If our mysteriously long disappearance and disheveled appearance weren’t enough, I could practically feel the words writing themselves across my face.

I just fucked your son. Sorry.

My face was positively burning in humiliation at being caught.  

“Mom…” Harry started, his voice catching in his throat before he cleared it again.  “Can we please not do this?” I was surprised when his hand drifted over to capture mine, weaving his fingers between my own. 

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