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Your insult, like a mud-ball, hits my face,

Hate, streaks like venom down my cheeks,

Dripping off my chin, and staining my soul.

No tears fall as it engulfs me, no emotion,

My eyes are but a dry desert, viewing the mirage of life.

A thick black tar, is coiled around me,

Oozing and dripping from my limbs, filling my lungs,

The human instinct to gasp for breath gone.


Breathing poison, exhaling death,

My creator, and my demise,

Pain is but a memory, a buzz in the swarm of bees,

Fragmented feelings, and broken desires.


I am now the hate,

The venom, the poison,

The thick tar leeching life from others,

Broken to some, a monster to myself.

Drip, drip, drip,

Soaking into the earth beneath me,

Polluting our water, absorbing our air,

Like death, hate is a curse, a demon,

He the puppeteer, and we his puppets.

Slaves to the fall of humanity.

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