Chapter 38

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*1 Week Later*

Carnell's POV

I woke up at 7 to get ready for Jayla's funeral at 10. I got up and took a shower for a hour. I stepped out, brushed my teeth and completely dried off. I walked to my closet and put on a black button down shirt, black trues, a purple bowtie since that was her favorite color, and my grape fives. I woke Chanise up and bathed her, I dried her, and did her hygiene. I put on her black dress with a purple sweater and her black Mary Jane shoes. I packed her baby bag and headed downstairs. I gave Chanise a bottle while I ate my cereal. When we finished, I headed to the car with Chanise not too far behind. I picked her up and put her in the car.

Beauty's POV

I woke up at 6 and rolled out the bed. I ran to the bathroom to throw up once again. I brushed my teeth and stepped in the shower. When I finished, I got out and dried off. I put on lotion and my underwear. Then, I walked in my closet and picked out a black spaghetti strap shirt, a knee length purple pencil skirt, I looked through the boxes and found my black wedges. I got a black blazer and threw it on. I went to my vanity and straightened my curly hair. After a hour, I was ready to go. I stopped by McDonald's and ordered some breakfast. When, I left the parking lot, Bye Bye by Mariah Carey started playing.

This is for my peoples who just lost somebody.
Your best friend, your baby, your man, or your lady
Put your hands way up high, you will never say bye.

Mamas, daddies, sisters, brothers, friends, and cousins.
This is for my people who lost their grandmothers
Lift your heads to the sky cause we will never say bye.

I got to Jayla's funeral just on time.


I rolled out the bed and walked to the shower. I washed up and got out. Then, I brushed my teeth, put on some boxers and walked in my closet to get dressed. I put on a purple button down shirt, black Levis, a black bowtie, and my white air forces with purple shoestrings. I grabbed my keys and headed downstairs. I ate some cereal and headed to Jayla's funeral.

Beauty's POV

I walked in and Nell greeted me with little Chanise right behind him. I picked her up and kissed her cheek. "Wassup Nell, how you holding?" I asked giving him a hug. "I'm not good, but I'm not too bad. But I should be asking you this." He said. "Well, I'm not doing the best right now, I miss my bestfriend. I don't know what imma do with knowing she not here anymore." I said playing with Nise's big cheeks. "Just know she's in a way better place." Carnell said looking behind me. "But aye, you need to talk to him. He's gonna kill himself tryna throw himself into work. "Carnell said chuckling. I turned around and RJ was standing behind me. "Hey" He walked up to me. I just waved. "I'm sorry." He grabbed my hand. "Look, sorry is not gonna fix everything. It's not gonna fix my trust for you, its not gonna bring the relationship between us back. I can forgive you but we can't be together until YOU prove that you care enough to be faithful and not lie to me even if the truth hurts. But until then, we can co-parent." I said putting Chanise on the floor to go to her dad. "Well, thats good enough for me." Rj said smiling. I laughed and went to sit down before the funeral starts.









* 5 Months Later*

Beauty's POV

I'm 5 months pregnant today. I have an appointment to find out what I'm having today. I got up out the bed, and walked to the bathroom. I had to pee first. I really hate this; the having to pee all the time, the constant hunger, the swolen feet, not being able to pick anything up, and being horny all the freaking time. I'm going to die. After I finished, I turned on the shower and waited for the bathroom to steam. I got in thinking about Jayla. I wish she was here to see all this happening. She would've been like "Bitch, this my godbaby/niece right? Don't name her no ghetto name, unt unt we can't have that. No Quanishatae's, no Rochellenikas, none of that. But imma beat lil girls asses for her." Then she would kiss my stomach. I missed her so much. After I finished showering, I dried off, put on some cocoa butter lotion, and my underwear. Then, I walked to the closet and found a long yellow sundress, some nude MK sandals, and a nude MK bag. I put my straightened hair in a bun and proceeded to walk downstairs. I went to the kitchen, got my bowl of Publix fruit and walked out to my car. Hopefully RJ will come to this appointment.

I came to the hospital, found parking, and eased my self out of this big ass Range Rover. I locked the doors and started towards the front door. Then, I heard "Aye!" I looked to the left and it was a man running towards me. He looked about 22, he was buff, a lot of tattoo's, caramel skin, brown wavy hair, and some pretty light brown and green eyes. "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" He stuck his hand out to shake my hand. "Okay, you have to make it quick cause I need to go to my appointment. " I looked at the door. "Okay, I promise. Uh, can I have your number. You're very beautiful. Pregnant or not." He smiled at me. "If you're meant to have my number, you'll see me again. I'll give you it then." I smiled. "Well okay, Nice metting you.... uh?" He looked for answer. "Beauty." I answered. "It fits you. Well see you later." He waved and I walked in the building. When I walked in, RJ was sitting there waiting. "Hey, when did you get here?" I sat next to him. "I got here a hour ago. I signed you in too." He sat up smiling. The doctor came through the door. "Shontelle James. " I looked at RJ. He start rubbing his neck. "You so full of it." I started laughing. He helped me up and we walked to the room. "Hello, Im Dr. Jackson. Do we want to find out the gender or do we want it to be a surprise?" She looked at both of us smiling. "I wanna know. " We both said at the same time. She made me put on that ugly blue paper dress and lay on the little bed thing. RJ cut off the lights and she came to me. "Okay mommy, this is going to be cold." I nodded my head, ready to see my baby. She rolled the ultrasonic tube around my stomach. "You see that?" She pointed at the screen. I started getting nervous. "Its a boy." She said smiling. RJ's blue eyes literally started shining. I had tears rolling down my face with my hormonally unbalanced self.


I know y'all wanted a girl. I know, I know. But I thought a boy would be better cause sometimes more things evolve around a boy with the parents. Soo, you'll enjoy it more. But tell me your thoughts?






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