A/n) very important read cause its about this

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A/n)*sighs loudly* WHY! I have to restart since I accidentally deleted the whole thing! Ok so first off this is the last thing I'm doing in this book I'm having a new book and it's a sequel to this I've been thinking I should do this so yeah it's the after life where we face problems so this was Nishinoya x Reader what' is love? And now it's gonna be Nishinoya x Reader: facing new problems.. So yeah! Your new kid is gonna be Rin (FREE jk) and it's a boy which ya know I hope you know what I might do and yeah can you tell me what gender all your babies are? Your first child and then your second child? Cause your third child will be a boy so yeah pls read Nishinoya x reader what is love? Before you read Nishinoya x Reader: facing new problems.. So yeah! Thank you for all the support! Hope you carry it to the next book of this! Can't wait!

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