Chapter 1

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Confession from a Liar

June 12 2017 3:52 AM

The cold breeze of the dawn welcomed me as I opened the door. It was cold, but David's phonecall was enough to shake me awake.

With trembling fingers, I inserted the key into the slot. I opened the door and rushed inside, turning the heater on. It was really dark and cold even if there was the headlights and the heater. It's like a veil of gloominess had been thrown over the whole town, and that was all because of David's call.

But what could have made him do it? What could have driven David Fuentes to be ending his life so early? He looked like he was an easy-going person without a care in this world. There should be a serious reason.

A deep one.

I stepped on the gas and sped out of the driveway. Who cares if I wake anyone up? This is my best friend we're talking about. These people can go back to sleep.

I don't have a solid idea of what I would find when I reach the place. I'm really sure he was by the cliff near the sea, judging by the sounds I heard during the phone call. But what possible things could I find there?

I know it's not proper to use a phone while driving but I don't really care. I dialed the number once again using my free hand. Instead of an answer, all I got was long beeping, like what would you hear when someone hangs up on you.

I tried thrice more, still the same. The beeping is really annoying so I stashed away my phone, stepping more on the gas.

The whole town looked different at night. Like everyone has retreated in the shadows of their homes. No sunny faces, laughing kids, no joyful atmosphere. Just a gloomy and somewhat morbid state.

The feeling was uneasy, so I decided to hurry up. I can't let the atmosphere swallow me up and prevent me from being able to do what I should. Which is to stop David. I'm really hoping there's still something to stop, that there's still a David I could stop.

It was a tense fifteen minute drive until I reached my destination.

The cliff.

There was a blue car parked right there and I am pretty sure that it's David's. Who else could be here? I stopped my car, took a flashlight and exited the vehicle.

"David! Where are you?" I flashed my light everywhere, yelling and looking for someone. When I got no reply but the sound of the waves below, I walked towards his car and flashed my light inside.

There was nothing but some wrappers and pieces of papers inside. No signs of any David or anyone living at all. It was a mess and the right door was open.

I turned around and something by the edge caught my attention. It was a pair of shoes. I walked over and picked up the said item. It was his favorite pair of shoes. He left his favorite pair of sneakers here.

My hands trembled as I dropped both the pair of shoes and my flashlight on the ground. I fell on my knees and flashed my light down the cliff. There was nothing but water and a few rocks where people can stand on.

I recalled the sound I heard, like the phone was thrown into water, and the wind whistling like someone jumped off.

Something clicked in my mind, which made me feel weaker than earlier. What if he jumped already? What if he had killed himself? What if?

"David! Where the hell are you?" I yelled down the cliff, but all I got as a response was my voice echoing. I stood up and went to his car. There could be something here, anything.

I opened the door and started to look for a letter. He said it himself, that he left a letter... And it might just be here.
My hands felt something like a box. It was beneath some trash in the back so I dug from the scraps to retrieve whatever it is. It was a box wrapped with a red colored paper, nothing more nothing less. Above it was the word "Letters" handwritten by himself.

I picked up the box and sat on the front seat, in front the steering wheel. The bright red box sat on my lap, the word 'Letters' seem to get larger and larger, like it's tempting me to open it.

I opened it and what I saw was a lot of papers folded in a uniform matter. It had names. I flipped the lid and there was a taped flash drive with my name written on the tape. There were also a thumb drive taped to the other side, without a label.

I hurried out of David's car, carrying the box with me and went to my own. I took the netbook sitting by the backseat and plugged the flash drive into it. I waited for the computer to open and load the screen.

When it finally opened, I quickly opened the contents of the drive. The flash drive has the name ANDREW98. I opened it and it loaded a lot of folders, all with different names. It was arranged alphabetically so I chose the first one, which was entitled "A01 For Andrew". I clicked it and the folder opened.

There were four files inside. A video, a mp3 file, a document file and a picture. I took a deep breath and braced myself as I clicked on the video file. It loaded for a few moments and opened. It was David. He was holding the camera above head and was inside his room. He smiled at the camera and waved.

"Hey hey Drew! Seems like you've finally found the box!" He said with a grin. Then he gave a thumbs up and put the camera on his desk, facing him while he sat on his bed.

"And also, that means I'm dead right? But at least you had the guts to look for this. I honestly thought you think it was a prank. But if the police found this? Oh, hello there mister policeman! I'm on the after life! *chuckles* Can you kindly give this to Andrew? And tell him it wasn't a prank." He added while laughing hysterically. I remember he's mostly like that, cheery.

"But hey, if it's you Andrew, then listen carefully okay?" He stood up and stretched, then sat down again.

"I have a particular reason why I did this. I don't do anything without a reason right? You know me all too well. Well... In the box are... Hmm, what do I call them again? Oh yeah! Letters. Suicide letters to people." His smile dropped as he sighed.

"Listen, this is really serious. Well, you can also call those things confessions. To everyone they are concerned to. Because? Nobody knows um... The real me I guess... Not even you Drew. I'm sorry." He said which made my eyebrows furrow. What does he mean?

"For starters... I'm a big liar. Everything you knew about me were the opposite. I never told you the truth. Do you know why I've always been out of trouble? Because I'm too much of a liar. But I swear man, I'm going to miss you." Everything fell silent for at least a few seconds as those words sunk into my mind.

"I know you trust me, but please don't think I'm a bad person. I do everything for a purpose. Those... Those letters um, can I have a favor Andrew? Ahem."

"Can you ah, distribute them to those people? Their names are written on each, please deliver them. I trust you to do this Drew, okay? I love you man, I'll miss you." End. The last thing before the screen faded was him smiling nervously and shutting off the camera.

I was speechless, dumbstruck, shocked, I honestly don't know. But my heart is beating faster than usual, I can feel it. It's like, knowing something and believing it your whole life, then boom. You were fooled.

Without a second thought, I closed my netbook and dug around for my name in the box of letters.

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