Chapter 8

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Louis' P.O.V

The rest of the night was amazing. I ended up tell the boys everything that happened before the car accident. It was okay until Liam had to bring down the mood per usual. "Wait Louis, you do know that you guys will have to tell management about this right? If you don't and they find out on their own they'll be more mad at you than if you tell them before hand."

"Fine. We have our meeting with them tomorrow so we can tell them then. If that's alright with you babe? I'd hate to rush you." I squeezed his hand tightly.

"No, no it's fine we might as well tell them and get it over with." He smiled reassuringly at me.  We spent the rest of the day just messing around per usual and soon it was time for us to go to bed, considering we had a meeting with management early tomorrow morning.

"Good night my beautiful boyfriend." I whispered into Harry's ear, hugging him from behind.

"Louis stop." He giggled. He turned to me and pecked my lips. "We have to get up early tomorrow."

"Only if you give me one more kiss." I smirked.

"Nope. No more." He crossed his arms and looked away from me playfully. I turned his head towards me again and pouted.

"Please, Hazzabear." I looked up to him through my long eyelashes and pouted.

"Fine, only cause your cute." He winked and I rolled my eyes. He placed his plump lips on my thin ones and it felt like the first time we had kissed. No matter how many times I will kiss this boy it always feels like the first time. "Now off to bed!" He yelled diving onto the bed.

"You're such a dork." I snickered.

"That may be true, but I'm your dork." He climbed under the covers and I followed, turning off the light before laying down. I turned towards him, faintly being able to see his features in the dark.

"That you are." I kissed his nose and he giggled. My eyelids grew heavier and I knew I would fall asleep soon. "I love you Hazza." I whispered into the darkness.

"I love you too, Lou." He whispered back and we both fell asleep.


We were in the waiting room waiting for management to call us back and I was shaking like crazy. No one knew what could go down when we got in there. "One Direction? You boys can head in." The lady at the desk said to us and we nodded, standing up.

"Thanks Veronica." Liam waved to her and she smiled, blushing slightly while Zayn pouted.

"Boys! Welcome, welcome. We've got a lot to cover so let's get started." We all nodded and sat down. "okay we need to discuss your next tour, album and interview." Harvey said looking down at the the piece of paper in front of him. "But before we get into that, how are you doing Harry?"

"I'm fine, but um there's something I think is rather important to talk about." My stomach dropped. This was it. He grabbed my hand and lifted for them to see. "Me and Louis are a couple." He breathed out looking at me and then glancing over to Harvey and Jonny.

Jonny sighed and looked at Harvey. "Okay, well we're going to have to talk about this afterwards. We will talk about your tour, album, and interviews. After we finish, you two," he pointed to me and Harry. "Will stay later to discuss this." I sighed but nodded.

We talked about the dates for our tour, our plan for our album, and we have an interview with James Corden next week. I'd been dreading this meeting ending since we would be talking about mine and Harry's relationship.

"Alright, now obviously we can't have you come out." Harvey started.

"And why not?" I asked, already pissed and he had only said one thing.

"Because it will risk your career. Anyway Louis you will be given a fake girlfriend, and you two will stay away from anywhere you can be seen." Jonny continued and I could tell Harry was just as mad, if not more.

"You can't be serious." Harry replied coldly, but they had stern faces. "There's got to be another option, we've seen what that does to Liam and Zayn, we don't want that." I nodded my head in agreement.

"Well your other option is you can break it off and pretend this never happened, that would be easier on us." Jonny said with a shrug.

"And if we refuse both options and come out anyways?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"Then we will have no choice but to end not only your career, but the other boys' as well." Harvey smiled smugly. Harry's anger had faded and he looked at me and I already knew what he was thinking. I nodded giving him the okay.

He sighed "Fine we'll keep our relationship a secret."

Harvey clapped his hands together "Great Louis we'll send you all you'll need to know about your 'girlfriend' in the morning." He smiled widely.

"Fuck off." I spat pulling Harry out of the room, as soon as we were out I broke down falling to the floor sobbing into the ground.

"Louis, Louis look at me." He cooed but I shook my head. "Louis come on." He lifted my head with his fingers, only to place his lips on mine. "We will get through this, I know it."

"I love you Harry, don't you ever forget it. When you see me with that bitch I'll have to call my girlfriend, just remember that I'm yours. Not her's, not anyone's, only yours. Promise you won't forget that." He now had tears forming in his eyes.

"Your mine, only mine." He repeated and kissed me once more. "Now how bout we go home and you make some chicken, stuffed with mozzarella cheese, wrapped in Parma ham, with a side of homemade mash?" He said doing the hand motions as doing so, causing me to giggle like a little girl.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes. "Your such a dork."

"That may be true, but I'm your dork." He said.

"Do you really think we can make it through this?" I asked.

"With our love nobody can stop us." He stated helping me up from the ground. "Now let's go home." I nodded and we left.


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