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"Hair as dark as night, skin as soft as snow, lips red as blood that is what your wish?" The young woman nods slowly she was pale and sickly she was shivering even though she was sweating.

"Yes please. I can not give my husband the child he always wished for. It's the one thing I want to leave in my place, before I go."

The tall older woman creeps closer to the younger. Her appearance was very shapeless she wore no expression none in her lips or colorless eyes. She was nether ugly or beautiful just a shapeless figure you wouldn't even notice if it was man or woman.

"Hair as dark as a starless night." The woman say as a crow sweeps down to them dropping something into the cauldron. "Skin as soft as snow," She roll her wrist creating a light snow into the huge cauldron, " Finally lips as red...as blood it's self." The figure holds its hand out to the younger. With out even thinking she held her hand out above the shimmering pool, the older slice her hand as well as the other clasping thier hands together. Their blood twines together before dripping steadily down. "Your child will be healthy, happy, and strong. It will be fair to all around, and a beautiful to all it surrounds, now be careful as beautiful as your child may look some like to take it away."

"So it's done?" A diffrent woman asks many years into the future.

"Yes. It's complete." The very same woman says many years from the past.

The woman sighs and nod her head. "Thank you. You do not know how much this means to me." With that she stands and walks out the older's door.

"I wish your child the best of luck."

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