You Were On Your Period

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Kai Hiwatari:

- Feels very awkward

- Holds you when you cry

- Buys you snacks

- Lets you lay on him and take naps

- Watches movies with you

- Gives you kisses when you're having cramps

- Doesn't really know what to do but tries his best to comfort you

- "Shhhhh it's okay (First Name). I'm here. Try and get some rest."

Tyson Granger:

- Panics and thinks you need to go to the hospital

- Needs you to explain what your period is

- Snuggles with you and holds you close

- Annoys the crap out of you by asking questions

- Ends up being your personal punching bag

- Buys you tons of food and you guys pig out together

- "I'm sorry your feeling bad, (First Name), but I brought us some food!"

Ray Kon:

- Very attentive

- Buys you medicine and will even buy you pads when you're out even though it's a bit embarrassing

- Rubs your back when you aren't feeling good

- Cooks you your favorite food

- Always makes sure you are comfortable

- When you get angry he knows exactly how to calm you down

- "Don't worry, (First Name). I'll take care of you~"

Max Tate:

- Very cheery which can be a little annoying sometimes

- buys you chocolate

- Tells you your beautiful

- Gives you lots of kisses

- Wraps you up in blankets and holds you close

- lets you rant if you need to

- Very supportive and loving

- "It's alright, (First Name). Don't cry. I think you're the most beautiful girl in the word~"

A/N: A quick update. Im still working on requests so they will be coming soon! Sorry for the delay!

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