They Cuddled With You

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Kai Hiwatari

❤️He would try to push you off at first but would slowly give in with a bit of whining.

❤️Likes holding you in his lap.

❤️Once you fall asleep, he'll give you random kisses to show his love.

❤️"You're lucky I love you, idiot"

Ray Kon

❤️He loves it when you play with his hair

❤️He likes to pull you close and snuggle into your neck

❤️He always makes sure your comfortable no matter what

❤️"I love you (First Name). I don't mind being your pillow~"

Tyson Granger

❤️He'll tackle you on the bed and hold you tight.

❤️He likes to tell you stupid jokes to make you laugh.

❤️Just when you're about to fall asleep he'll tickle you and laugh

❤️"Sorry (First Name)! I wanted you to stay awake and cuddle with me!"

Max Tate

❤️He'll plant kisses all over your face

❤️He likes to lay his head on your stomach.

❤️He'll lean up and whisper sweet compliments and tell you how beautiful you are.

❤️"I love you (First Name)~ I love snuggling with my beautiful girlfriend!"


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