"Or if it's too loud, we can join the rest of the people staying in the cabin and make a noise complaint," Grayson said. "So I suggest if you want to keep the party going, you keep the volume down."

       They didn't.

       We were going through yet another night of Ryder trying to fall asleep but not being able to because of the loud music. And this time, it was past eleven, yet they weren't told to shut the party down.

       Grayson got fed up and got off of the bed. "I'm telling them to shut up," he said.

       "In your pajamas?" I asked.

       Grayson looked down and sighed, quickly changing his pajama bottoms into a pair of jeans and pulling a white t-shirt over his head. "I'll be back," he said.

       I figured Grayson would be back within five minutes, but soon twenty minutes passed and he wasn't back yet. Since Ryder was going to sleep anytime soon, I got out of the bed and changed out of my pajamas before going to Ryder and picking him up out of the play pen. "Where we going?" he asked.

       "To go make sure your daddy's okay?" I said, placing him on my hip before heading to the front door of the cabin. I put on my shoes and went to the cabin next door.

       I couldn't even see Grayson with so many people in here. I was surprised that they didn't even get a noise complaint yet.

       I spotted one of the two girls staying here. "Hey," I said, having to talk loudly over the music. "Have you seen my Grayson?"

       "Who?" she asked.

       "My boyfriend," I said. "He came here to tell you guys to turn down the music. Twenty minutes ago."

       "Yeah, I have," she said. "Hold on...." She scanned the crowd and pointed to someone. "There." She looked at me with a smirk.

       With furrowed eyebrows, I looked to where she was pointing. There was a sandy-blond hair guy wearing a white t-shirt and jeans making out with some girl.

       "Yeah, that's not him," I said.

        "What are you talking about?" she asked. "That is him. Sucks, doesn't it. Being cheated on when you have a kid."

       "I'm serious, that's not him," I said. "For one, he would never cheat on me. Seriously. He was drunk once and wouldn't even kiss me because he didn't want to cheat on me. And two, unlike that guy, Grayson has a tattoo on the back of his neck. Nice try, though. So seriously, where is he?"

       "Maybe you should find him yourself," she said before walking off.

       I sighed. I did not want to walk around the cabin, looking for Grayson, while carrying my two year old son.

       "Mommy, where's Daddy?" Ryder asked.

       "I have no idea," I said. "We might have to head back and wa--"

       Grayson suddenly came into view and walked over. "Okay, two things," he said. "One, why are you here? And two, we need to leave now." He placed a hand on my shoulder and gently pushed me back to our cabin.

       "I went to get you because you were taking to long, and I couldn't leave Ryder here alone," I said. "Why did you take so long?"

       "Well, after they refused to turn it down, I decided to get them back," Grayson said. "It turns out they have a hot tub in the back, so I found some Nutella in their kitchen and may or may not have dropped a spoonful in there so it looks like someone took a sh....poop."

       "That's....kind of childish."

       "Hey, I'm resorting to childish behaviors until they show some regard to everyone else," Grayson said. "Not only that, but I also food red food coloring and poured a bit into the hot tub. And guess what we're doing tomorrow night?"

       "What?" I asked.

       "Well, I invited Elliot and her family over so we are going to throw our own party," Grayson said. "A karaoke party."


Grayson is totally going to win the cabin-neighbor war. cx

So next week, I am going out of town from the 14th-27th, but I will have wifi so I should still be able to post, just not as frequently as I have been doing for these past few days. I'll post at least one chapter from one of my books each day, and I'll probably focus on this short story more so I can start another book. *cough* Dax *cough*

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