The Flames Never Forget

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After being escorted onto Zuko's ship, Aori was brought to a holding cell separate from Aang, and she was left to her own devices, and her own thoughts. Through the tiny slit in the door, she could see two guards, poised and doing their duty as they made sure she remained in her cell. Sighing, the brunette flopped onto her hard bed that folded down from the wall, almost instantly regretting it after she had done so as a sore groan left her lips. It had been awhile since she had fought in a legitimate match, and Zuko was no pushover. Ever since they were children, she knew that he had to work hard at his bending, unlike Azula who was very naturally gifted. Sure, the Fire Princess worked, but she never had to push herself to the level at which Aori knew Zuko trained - and (as far as she could tell) that strict regimen hadn't changed in the last six years since she had ran away.

Zuko's words against her in their little skirmish before Aang broke up the fighting still burned through her mind, and she closed her eyes as a troubled expression overtook her features. It was... unfortunate, after all. Zuko blamed her. Aori wasn't exactly sure for what in particular, but she felt awful nonetheless. When she had ran away from the Fire Nation, it was for her freedom, yes, but it was still a selfish decision. Zuko had been one of her only friends - he... he must have felt abandoned. She remembered the day as clearly as it was when she experienced it...

"Aren't you concerned at all? I haven't foreseen anything about this fight, that alone should be a warning signal!" A younger Aori was pleading with Zuko. "Please - just apologize to the nobleman and your Father. I'm certain this will pass!"

"No, I won't apologize to that old man!" Zuko retorted, his voice resolved in his decision as he stormed back to his room. The Agni Kai was going to happen tomorrow, and he had to relax and rest to be prepared for it. "What he suggested... it was suicide! Our troops would be mercilessly slaughtered without giving them a chance! Think about their families, Aori!" She followed the young Prince to his room, trailing her robes behind her as the heavy layers weighed down on her figure. Being a priestess was exhausting, to say the least.

"I know - you're totally right about that, but still... there's a warning in my heart that begs you to call off the Agni Kai. Please, for once listen to me! What would Lady Ursa want you-"

"Do not speak of my mother!" his voice practically shook her to the core as his anger-filled gaze turned to her direction. That was the first and only moment she had ever seen Ozai in Zuko, and her voice caught in her throats
as she felt her whole body tremble in fear. She took a shaky step backwards and that seemed to snap Zuko out of his state of anger as he seemed to realize what or who he had sounded like. "A-Aori, I'm... I'm sorry..." he muttered, taking a step forward as if to reach out and console her, but Aori flinched away from his touch as painful memories clouded her sight. If only she had known at the time that Zuko was sincere...

Tears bubbled up from a well that hadn't been tapped in a while, and fresh streaks began running down her face. She couldn't be near him - not when he was like this. Turning around and picking up her robes, she fled. Past all of it. The halls. The ambition that gleamed within the wealth and greed of the palace. The pain this place had caused her. Little had she known, after she had ran away, Zuko was tempted to follow after her and truly apologize, but he... he found he couldn't. Growling, he slammed the door shut, flopping onto his bed and holding his head in his hands.

It was that night that she had stolen away, stealing what money and valuable trinkets her arms could carry. With the buzz of the Agni Kai, no one had noticed her disappearance until she was two days gone. Aori had almost laughed out loud when she had overheard some guards discussing the rampage Ozai had went on after hearing of her disappearance. She was an asset that had slipped away, and he was not happy. If she could only be proud of one thing in her entire life up until this point, it would be that moment.

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