Chapter 1- Saved

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Walking on a street in a breezy, cold December night in London, Martha was alone. It was 12:35 midnight.

Her flat was just 2 blocks away from the nearest mini store she was going to. Accompanied by her matching, tardis- blue pajamas and long-sleeved top.

As she finally reached the store, she went to the "drinks" area and pulled bottle of milk. She picked up some of her favorite junk foods and purchased them, then she walked back home.

But, as she walks to the lonely, dark, cold alley, she heard a faint noise of moan and some strong swearings. She retreated a bit and the faint grew louder and louder, then she saw what was going on.

A man, being beat-up by two men who obviously look like criminals of robbery. The poor, helpless guy fell down on the pavement, but what made Martha drop her grocery bag was when one of the guys pulled out a swiss knife.

"HEY" she shouted, which she regretted quickly as they both turn to her, leaving the victim on the ground

"Leave him alone" the two men only laughed at her command, which made her more furious.

The unarmed one slowly walked to her, but she bravely stayed where she stood, showing no hint of fear on her face.

"Or else what?" the man asked after he stopped in front of her

"Or else THIS" she shouted as she kicked him right in the manhood, making him drop dead on the ground, looking more terrible than the victim, which was smiling at her, but yet looking hurt and terrified.

The guy with the knife ran after her

"Uh oh"

"GET UP AND RUN FOR YOUR LIFE" she shouted at the helpless man right after she turned back and ran as fast as she could.

After she ran through many alleyways, she was still being chased by the criminal. Only until when she accidentally slipped on an ice, which made her fall on her back. Martha thought that was the last accident she would ever get when she saw the man walking to her, smiling evilly as he raised his swiss knife. She closed her eyes, tried to get up as fast as she could, but she snapped her eyes open when she heard a loud "bong", seeing the man fall on the cold, street pavement with a thud, revealing a nice, looking, young man with a bow tie, tied around the collar of his sleeved top. The guy who she was helping. Holding the grocery bag and a thick, metal plate he used on the criminal, he was breathing heavily as he knelt beside Martha.

"Oh dear god are you okay?" he whispered as he helped her sat up.

"Yeah, yeah I think I'm-" she paused as she stared at his face


"Matt Smith, yes yes and you are?" he said between laughs

"Martha Starkey.... Come on let's get you to my flat, you look horrible. I'll get you cleaned up" they both stood up and went first to Matt's car, then they drove to her place.

Matt parked his car and they both stepped out. Matt was still having a bit of difficulty in walking since his whole body hurts so Martha helped by letting him sling an arm on her shoulders and half-carried him as they walked to the steps to her door. As they got in, they both heavily crashed on a sofa in the living room. They looked at each other and laughed for a moment.

"What were you doing in the alley at this time anyway?" Martha started as she stood up and walked to the bathroom to get her medical kit.

"I got lost and I found these two strangers talking on the street. I pulled down my car window to ask for directions but they unlocked the door and pulled me out. They tried to rob me and then a hero came"

Martha blushed as she poured water in the basin and went to him along with the kit.

"Well, glad I helped a Doctor on an adventure. In a cold dark alley in London" she said, making both of them laugh

"How about you? What were you doing out at this time? In your pajamas?"

"I was in a middle of a movie marathon when my stomach started rumbling, so I went out to get some midnight snack" she answered as she gently wiped away some dirt on his face, revealing different shades of bruises. She carefully damped his blood covered lip, making him flinch a little


She continued on cleaning his face and hands and applied some cream on the bruises and plasters on his palms.

"There you go. Those bruises should be healed faster with that cream" she said as she wiped her hands. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Matt gave her a tight hug, making her stop for a moment

"Thank you. Thank you so much, Martha. I thought that was the end for me when the guy pulled out a knife. I- I was so scared. I'm so sorry I caused you pain. I owe you all, I owe you my whole life." he whispered. He sounded like he was crying. Martha felt sorry for him, but she was very happy that he's okay.

"It's okay, let's just be thankful that we're both alright" she whispered as she hugged him back.

As they both pulled away, Martha laughed as she saw her grocery bag beside him.

"Thanks for saving them too" she giggled

"Oh uhm, would you like to stay for the night? I mean, it's not safe to drive out at this time especially when you're dead tired. Just like me"

"Yeah! Yeah that would be great. I could sleep here on the couch. Thank you"

"Okay hold on let me get you my softest blanket and pillows"

Matt smiled as he removed his shoes and socks. He gazed around the room and smiled to see a miniature dalek and tardis figures, sitting on an end table beside the couch

"Doctor Who fan, eh?" he said, picking up the dalek, making Martha blush whilst setting down the blanket and pillows beside him.

"Yeah, yeah you caught me. I'm still trying to get hold of the fangirl in me, okay? The 11th Doctor...sleeping on my couch" she said followed by a laugh

"Alright. Get yourself comfortable in these alright? Goodnight Matt"

"Goodnight, Martha"

 as they greeted each other, Martha finally went in her room and closed the door behind her, gently. She slowly walked to her bed and sat for a moment. Then she grabbed a pillow and screamed, kicking her feet in the air, rolling around her queen-sized bed, still screaming, letting it all out. As she stopped, she was breathing heavily and stared at the sonic screwdriver merch she left on the table beside the bed. Thinking to herself "You lucky son of a-" she got snapped off of her thoughts when Matt knocked on the door

"Martha are you okay? I thought I heard faint screams coming from your room, is everything alright?"

she embarrassingly laughed at herself before she answered back.

"No Matt, I think that was the neighbor. I heard it too"

"Oh. Okay g'night"

"Night night"

And then they both went to sleep. Another new day awaits for both of them.


how did it go? :) hope you enjoyed this chapter! tell me if you want more oh and PLEASE do comment! please please please

thank you sweetie :)

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