Chapter Two

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Aaron's POV
"I don't know why but Aphmau...I wanna k-kiss you." She blushed, and so did I, "you wanna- I uh.." I cupped her chin,
"May I?" She nodded, and I crash my lips with-'

"S-Stupid d-dream..." I woke up kissing a pillow, yeah a FUCKING pillow. Why am I thinking about her...? Ugh Aphmau, I really hope I'm not 'falling' for her, even if she's kinda hot..I can't help but not bite on my lower lip when I think of her. I need to stop thinking about her,
I have better things to do...

I threw on my uniform, and stood in the mirror brushing my hair. All these bruises were the damn death of me, I hated them. You might ask, well you're the one who fights back. It's only to protect myself, if people only knew the truth. I shake off all these thoughts, and grabbed my bag leaving.


Once at school, I felt angry all the time. I couldn't help it, most of the kids here were asses. I really was smarter than most of the kids here actually, I always get A's, sometimes lower. It really just depends on the subject.

I just always waited for lunch, I could play the guitar in peace. Not that I couldn't do it at home, but I was alone. I practiced so hard, I really wanted to make music a job. Once I began playing, I heard a girl come in crying. "Mm...S-Stupid b-bullies...." She said, and I think I might remember that voice, I don't know. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked, really trying to help. She cleared her throat, I guess she was really sad.

"A couple g-g-girls and g-guys are bullying me. I don't know if you know them but it's G-Gene. He's threatening me with a pict-ture." I frowned, what the hell?! This poor girl..."Is it on his phone?" I asked, "Mhm...Stupid Lily and Ivy are being bitches too..." Ugh I hate the kids here, they're so mean to people. "Hey...I can try to help you secretly." She gave a weak chuckle, "Whatever...I don't know..they're so mean..." I then heard the bell rang. "T-Thanks for talking to me..." She then left.

Now, I'm super curious who the hell this girl is. She really did seem sad, but recognizable to me. Maybe she's in one of my classes or something. Hm...Well I got werewolf class anyway.

I saw Aphmau, she looked like her...I couldn't help but think back to that stupid dream. Just admit you'd kiss her. N-No I wouldn't..she's j-just a stupid short potato. "Aaron." She greeted me, hm weird but still rude. "Aphmau." I looked at her, as she bit down on her bottom lip. I blushed a little, but shook my head turning to the lesson.

As if you care for that stupid lesson, you only wanna stare at Aphmau's gorgeous face and body. Ooh! You really do like her, so why hold back? I-I....It's confusing, it really is. If I could simply like her, I would, but I also love Shu. "Aaron? Pay attention to the board now of detention." I heard the teacher say, but did this information come in use for me? No, it was simply useless.

Once class finished, I just casually walked out, texting Shu. 'Heyyy. I'll be home in 10.' For some odd reason someone received a message once I sent that. 'Ok. I just finished class •.•' She sent, and I saw Aphmau look at me, quickly walking away. What the hell was that about? 'Ah cool..Speaking of school. How's it going?' I sent to her, ''s ok. Just a lot of bullied lately. As I told you I keep getting called potato, and I was bullied or even worse threatened. But..Some boy changed my sadness and made me happy. He even asked to made me so happy...' I stared at that text, wait...D-Does Shu go to my school. 'I-If I may ask...W-Was it in a band room,' 'yeah it was...wait how'd you guess that?' I was so shocked, did I meet Shu today? Omg... 'd-do you go to PDH...' 'OMG..yes...W-Was it you I talked too...' I was so hesitant, what if this girl didn't like me. I was just someone who was trouble to most. 'yes. I-I'm sorry if I made this awkward.' I sent it, tearing up almost.

I made the girl I love happy. This was insane...She was being bullied, and I was gonna help. Shu was special, and I wonder who she is. I couldn't tell who the girl I talked to was, her voice was scratchy from all the crying. Is it...A-Aphmau? Is that why she stared at me running away? Or why I feel this way about her? All along these feelings were meant for her. Fuck...Now this was gonna be confusing.

A/N: AHH! Sorry I just had to make him suspect it was Aphmau. I'm inpatient when it comes to stories. Anyway. If I must say, this story IS NOT based on my other Aarmau fanfic, this is completely new. Can I just say, while writing this in a car, my mom hit a bump, sending me FLYING. Yeah she's trying to kill me XD bye!

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