Chapter Six: PMSing Girl

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• Ellie's POV •

I jerked away, wiping a hand across my mouth and glaring at Niall in horror. He just kissed me! He just freaking kissed me!

"Ellie, I... I don't... I don't know what that... what that was, it just -"

"Niall, stop." I cut him off.

"Ellie, please, I don't, it's not... I..." his voice faltered and he looked down. I felt a twinge of pity in my chest. He must've just gotten too caught up in the moment and... kissed me.

I shuddered. Niall, my best friend, my unrelated brother, kissed me.

And I actually don't mind.

What the hell! Of course I mind! I can't rid myself of the feeling of his warm lips on mine, his arms wrapped around me - stop Ellie!

I turned to Niall and saw a sorrowful expression etched across his features.

"Hey, hey now. It's okay, Niall. C'mon, look at me". I tried to lift his chin to meet my eyes but he wouldn't budge. He just stared down at his sleeping bag and drew patterns across its fluffy surface.

I didn't like seeing him sad. Yes, he was weird and annoying and kissed me out of nowhere, but I just wanted that smile to come back.

"Niaaaaaall. C'mon buddy."

He glanced up at me, a half grin on his face. "Buddy? We went from dipshit to buddy in 5 minutes? What's next, darling?"

"Don't push it, buddy."

Niall laughed and ran a hand through his hair. "Okay well before this gets mega - awkward, I think I'm gonna go to sleep."

"Okay, night Niall."

"Night, Ellie."

I laid back in my sleeping bag and stared at the tent roof and the rainfly above it. That was so weird, I thought. I'm strangely not mad. Still a little upset about before, but surprisingly not upset about the kiss. Weird.


God, what time is it? I pushed fallen hair off my forehead and ran my hand along the floor of the tent, in search of my phone. It was hot, really hot, in there, and I wanted my phone and some water.

I frustratedly sat up and found a water bottle. I took and swig and reached under my pillow to find my phone. Finally.

The digital numbers on my lock screen read 2:47 am. I'd only slept a few hours.

I turned on my phone flashlight and shone it at Niall's sleeping form. Except his sleeping bag was empty.

"Niall? Are you there?" He didn't answer. I threw my water bottle at his pillow, where his head should have been. Not a sound.

Shrugging, I crawled out of my sleeping bag and unzipped the tent door. I crept outside and slowly walked towards the dock that protruded out into the lake. Sure enough, my best friend sat huddled on the end, wearing a hoodie and staring at the water.

I approached quietly, not wanting to startle him. When I stood a few feet behind him on the dock, I softly said, "Niall? Hey, it's me?"

He wasn't startled at all. I realized later that he must have known I would find him out there.

He slowly turned around and gave me a nod, then patted the spot next to him. "Hey El. Have a seat."

I complied, sitting beside him and resting my head on his shoulder.

"So what's bothering you, Niall?"

"I don't really know. I just wish you- Nevermind."

I sat up and liked at him. "What? You wished I what?"

"Nothing, it's nothing. Forget it."

"Come on Niall," I pressed. Why was he so upset? It couldn't still be the kiss? "Please tell me, I won't judge, you know that."

"Just drop it okay Ellie! I feel like shit right know and it's because of you, so leave me alone. Go. Just go."

"What the fuck? I haven't done anything Niall! Whatever your problem is is not my fault!"

"Look Ellie I'm sorry I just blew up at you, but really just please let me think. I need to think." He ran his hand through his hair and scooted away from me.

Whatever, I thought. If he's going to be such a bitch, he can wallow in his own misery. I was leaving. I walked to the other end of the pier and stalked off to the tent, cocooning myself inside my sleeping bag and jamming in earbuds.

I don't need to hang around Niall if he's going to keep acting like a PMSing girl.


Sooooo guys here's FINALLY an update!! I'm sorry I haven't written in like months but life just gets in the way, you know?

Anyway, I'll update when I can. It might be next week, you never know!

Vote and comment for a faster update! Can I get 4 votes for this chappie? :)

Xoxo Maddy

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