Chapter One: The First Letter

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"Nooo", I groaned. "It's too early..."

"Elisabeth! Don't make me go in there and drag you out of bed!" My fathers tired voice traveled through the thin walls of our duplex to my room.

Rolling my eyes, I stumbled out of bed and gathered my clothes, then crossed the hallway to the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, I was showered and dressed, sitting at the kitchen counter. My medium length blonde hair was pulled up into a knot on my head. Although I rarely wore makeup, I decided to apply a bit of mascara and liner to my eyes. I figured for the first day in a new school I ought to put in a bit of an effort.

I drummed my fingers on the Formica countertop as I decided what to eat. Since we had just moved in two days ago, there were only a few kitchen staples in the cupboard - bread, peanut butter, and... was that a bag of marshmallows? Shrugging, I grabbed the bread and settled on peanut butter toast.

Shuffling steps and the sound of the front door opening greeted me as I placed my dish in the sink.

"We got mail, Elisabeth. There's one for you." Intrigued, I reached for the envelope. Even in the old house I never got mail. I glanced at the sender's address and scowled, stuffing the envelope into my pocket without opening it. I huffed upstairs and resolved to not open it at all, ever.


Curiosity got the best of me as I sat bored in Calculus I. I looked around to make sure no one was watching me. I didn't have to be too worried, as the girl next to me was busy painting her nails a horrid shade of metallic brown and on my other side a beefy boy drew skull tattoos over his muscled arms.

Sighing almost inaudibly, I extracted the letter from my pocket and slid my finger across the top, breaking the seal.

'Dear Ellie,' it began. I winced at the nickname, only he had ever been allowed to call me that.

I started again.

'Dear Ellie,

You've only been gone a few hours but I know you'll get this in a day or two. I already miss throwing my gym socks across the garden into your room. I wish you were here to curse me out and throw them back, like always.

I can't believe you're actually going. You waited so long to get out of this town, and now you finally are. Just not the way you wanted, I guess. Ellie, please just listen to me. At least pick up one of my calls. I know I don't really have an excuse, but I can't just let my best friend go like that.

I'm upset, Ellie. I'm upset things ended like this.

You probably won't answer my calls, or even write me, but I'll keep sending you these letters until you listen.

Your friend,


Frowning, I crumpled the letter and tried to focus on the chalkboard. Just like him, I thought, annoyed. Just like him to apologize and expect everything to be ok. Well things weren't ok. My dad lost his job, I had to drop out of my old school, move into a crappy duplex, and deal with my best friend's stinging betrayal. Thing were most definitely not ok.


So this is chapter 1! I'm going to write this story even if I don't get any reads so ha :D

Alright well if you have any questions comment below.

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Xoxo Maddy

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