Stiles thanked her quietly and just as he took his first drink, Scott came stumbling through the house. Stiles extended an arm out to him and gave him a worried look. "Yo, Scott. You good?"

At first, Andi thought that he was just wasted like everyone else here when it dawned on her; tonight was a full moon. Scott couldn't control it yet, so she followed him out into Lydia's courtyard. Stiles and Allison called after the two when Scott climbed into his car and drove off as quickly as he could. Although Andi didn't want to leave Stiles alone on a full moon, she had no choice but to hide behind a crowd of people and disappear into thin air before Stiles even realized she wasn't there.

Andi sat in Scott's passenger seat, watching him groan in pain and pant in anger.

"It helps if you control your breathing better."

Scott yelled in surprise and looked over at Andi in the car. "What the hell! Andi? What are you doing here?" Scott tried to hide his visible change in behavior, but Andi rolled her eyes and held onto his shoulder. "Just breathe, Scott."

The two had made it into Scott's house in no time. Andi helped Scott make his way to his room before she shut the door behind the two. They both looked out the window to see the full moon in all its beauty. Scott felt another pain in his head and tore off his sweater and his shirt. Andi was too busy staring into the moon to notice he turned on his shower and sat in his bathtub with his pants on.

It was days like tonight, that Andi felt more of a connection to Stiles, her Angel. She was his guardian, but instead she was with Scott tonight. In a way, it felt like she was still protecting him by being with helpless Scott.

Andi ran to Scott's aid when he moaned in pain and gripped onto his head. Scott rose his hand when claws begin to stick out of the tips of his fingers. He looked over at Andi, and was surprised to see she didn't even blink twice at the unusual sight. Scott had an idea of what Derek was, but he never imagined Andi would know about it.

"Scott you just have to relax, alright? Just breathe." The teen did as he was told. He shut his eyes and breathed in through his nose, and exhaled through his mouth. It only worked for a little bit until he felt an agonizing pain in his mouth. He pushed his way out of the tub until he was at his sink. He cleaned off the steam from the mirror and opened his mouh to reveal kanine teeth had appeared. Andi watched as his eyes changed from a dull brown to a bright amber color. At this second, Andi had no idea what to do. She never went through a wolf's typical transition as she was different. She didn't know what to say or do anymore, and wished Derek would just help Scott already.

A knock at the door startled the two teens and Andi made her way back to Scott's room. "Go away!" Scott yelled.

"Scott, it's me," Stiles's voice came through the door. Andi was so distracted by Scott, she hadn't even felt Stiles's presence. Scott leaned against his bedroom door after stumbling through his room to get there. He looked back at Andi and gestured for her to hide behind him. She quietly walked so she was concealed from the light that shined through Scott's room when he opened the door to Stiles.

"Let me in, Scott. I can help." Scott wouldn't open the door any further than the small crack he had open. "No! Listen, you gotta find Allison," Scott said.

"She's fine, alright? I saw her get a ride from the party. She's- she's totally fine. Alright?"

"No, I think I know who it is," Scott grunted.

"Just let me in. We can try-"

"It's Derek. Derek Hale is the werewolf," Scott looked back at Andi. "He's the one that bit me." Andi looked away from Scott's glare. "He's the one that killed the girl in the woods."

[BOOK MOVED TO @Allie_Prince04] Your Wings ➳ Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now