The Old Cat's Bookroom

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"Adrien is Cat Noir!?!?"

Tikki whisper yelled, her entire tiny body vibrating with the effort. Her eyes were bug wide, and Plagg just watched her breakdown smiling at how his little game was playing out.

"Quite the handsome cat yeah? I'm pretty fond of him myself, even if he is a dunce. He can't even see the girl he's falling for is STILL Ladybug!"


"YES!" he whisper yelled back, snickering at her reaction. This was just as funny as he was hoping it would be. "You didn't spot it before? As soon as Adrien spent more than a second with Marinette I had her pegged!"

Tikki still had enough brain power to resent that, huffing and crossing her arms.

"I had my suspicions!"

"Oh sure," he teased, starting to wander off farther into the bookstore with Tikki on his heels. "As soon as I heard she was a baker I had it down. It's just like you to pick a girl with steady access to sweets!"

Tikki flew out ahead of his to bop him on the head, scowling adorably.

"That is not why I picked her! I'm not you cheese head!"

"I only picked the cheese guy once and that was a terrible decision."

Plagg chuckled at the memory, recklessly wandering around the isles of towering dusty books sticking out haphazardly every which way. Tikki was more cautious, but knew their charges and the owner were the only humans around.

Their charges...

"We- we have to tell them!"

Plagg stopped dead, his eyes shooting wide as he flew in front of her, waving his arms wildly.

"What!? No way! We can't say a word!"

"Why not!?"

"That's so boring!" he whined dramatically, twirling in the air. "This is so much funnier!"

Tikki gasped, putting her hands on her hips. "Funny!? This isn't about funny Plagg this is huge! This is a big deal!!"

Plagg was backing up without looking, too busy fighting with Tikki to notice the teetering pile of books on a shelf at his level. He bumped into it, and zipped away with a squeal as it started to fall in on him. Tikki just sighed and shook her head, flying in to drag him out of sight before one of the humans came by to check what the noise was.

In the back of the shop Adrien tensed and repressed a groan when he heard the sound of falling books, Plagg's mischievous smile coming to mind. Hopefully the others didn't catch it... stupid cat. Always knocking crap over.

"I don't see what the problem is," Plagg whispered, wandering off yet again.

"How can you not see the problem!? It's- it's a love... square! How confusing is that!? We can make them happy!"

Plagg raised an eyebrow at that, gesturing to their miraculous wielders who could be seen below them some distance away. "They seem pretty happy to me!"

Tikki huffed and searched for words, but her exasperation was dulled slightly when she looked over the scene.

Marinette was holding some book, seemingly nervous as she shared it with Adrien. The boy however couldn't be more ecstatic, asking her questions and following behind her closely as they wound through the isles together. He would hop around a little before grabbing some random book, trying to guess at what sort of things she might like and looking overjoyed every time he was right.

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