Then time flew by. Our class teacher came in, started with attendance, and we spoke about general stuff. How were the vacations etc. Ha! Vacations. I hardly got any. The schools in US end during June, and the schools in Mumbai start during June. Due to the weather difference and stuff, so yeah. Only one week of vacations for me. When I explained this to the class, after my little introduction session, a girl remarked “that explains the accent”

I just rolled my eyes, and made a mental note to self: stay away from this girl. Many people seemed to agree, but some did seem curious to know more. But then the bell rang, and we got ready for the next class.

Soon, it was time for lunch. I was starving, because I skipped breakfast, because I got up late. I needed food, fast. But I did not know my way to the canteen. Great, I thought. That’s when I hear a girl say, “Hey, you need help?”

I looked besides me to see one girl smiling at me genuinely. “Yea, I guess. I don’t know where the canteen is, but I’m extremely hungry. Can you please show me the way?”

She just smiled nodded and started down the stairs. We reached the canteen and joined the queue to buy food. I looked at the menu and decided instantly I needed some fries and juice. When we got to the counter to pay, she exclaimed, “Oh no, I forgot my wallet in the class! I need to go back and…”  I interrupted her.

“No, you don’t need to. I’ll pay for you. Here” I said handing the cashier some money. “No” she protested, “It’s not right, you shouldn’t pay for my stuff. I don’t feel right.”

“If you feel uncomfortable, just pay me back when we get back to class, okay?”

“Kay. Come let me show you a great place to sit and have lunch.” She guided me to an old oak tree. There was grass all around, and we sat there. I introduced myself and she introduced herself as Nidhi. A friend atlast. We spoke for the whole lunch, she showed me around the school and we went to the class as the bell rang. The rest of the day was pretty boring. Except the last part. Turns out, on the first day, every student has to go home on the school bus. And the guardian had to pick us up from the stop. No idea what that was for. And all the hell broke loose when I neared my home. 

“Hey, that building is where THE Salman khan lives! You live in this area too?” a senior girl asked me. I just nodded. I had called my guards to explain the situation to them and they let me travel in the bus. I had no idea what I was going to do happen when they knew I lived with their hero.

The teacher in the bus read out my building name, galaxy apartments, to confirm it. I nodded again. And the whole bus stared at me wide eyed.

Finally someone managed to utter. “You live in the same building as the Greek God?” that’s one of the tags media has for my bro. I looked down and nodded.

The bus was slowing down due to the amount of people around. There was always some crowd outside my house, but today it was way more than normal. It was easily two hundred or so people. Then there was some movement in the crowd, but I could care less. My act didn’t even stay up for one day! Ugh...why does everyone have to know my family’s address? They still didn’t know I was related to him atleast.

Suddenly Salman walked up the bus, looked at me and hugged me. His security was keeping the crowd off the bus. He thanked the teacher, grabbed my hand, and with the help of seven- yes seven guards- we managed to enter our house that was only a few meters away.

“Horrible” I uttered. I loved that people loved my family. The fans were everything to us. They kept us going through the hard times. They were the reason my brother was this successful. But sometimes, I just hate being pushed around in the crowd. Especially because I’m so little in height.

“So how was school?” Salman asked. I saw that Arbaaz, Malaika were also present in Salman’s room.

“Fine. I did meet a few cool girls, but so many of them are haters. And I don’t want to know what is going to happen tomorrow, after the revelation. I hope I don’t lose the friends I made today atleast.” I replied, chugging water.

“It’ll be fine. Atleast you know whom to avoid.” Malaika replied. Yea, something is better than nothing.

“Hmm…why are the others packing?” I asked as I saw some luggage open and someone packing stuff.

“Because I have to leave in a few minutes. Sorry, but there is this launch and some events I need to go to in Berlin. I’ll be back in India in three days, but won’t be back home for 5-6 days.” He said obviously sad he had to leave. I tried to cheer him up.

“Chill. Not even a week!” I said and went into my room and blasted some music. Salman kissed me goodbye and left, and I sang like crazy. 


VOTE COMMENT AND FAN please! i need to know if i should continue further or not......because i don't want to keep writing if nobody wants to read it........

as usual suggestions are welcome. and i promise drama in next chapter!! stay tuned!! :) 

TANGLED -overprotective famous brothers and crazy lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें