Chapter 1

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Rylee's POV

I woke up to the bright sun light coming through the the shades.

Today is my first day of uschool at my new high school of my senior year.

I'm looking forward to it only because it's my last year of school until college. I'm just not looking forward to having to meet new people and having to find all my classes cause it's a brand new school, brand new classes, and everything.

I looked at my clock and noticed it was about 5:30 am stupid time zone does not feel like this time.....

I've been pretty depressed lately but my mom and baby brother Charlie have been my only source of happiness lately.

I mean I still have my friends to FaceTime and text 24/7 but it's just not the same as it was before we moved.

I was snapped out of my thoughts to hear Charlie in the next room crying.

I got up and went into his room to see what was wrong.

"Hi baby!" I said and he immediately stopped crying.

I carefully picked him up cause he is only 3 weeks old and then I went to go change him and feed him with extra milk bottles.

I've been helping out a lot lately with my mom cause we didn't expect any of this to happen to my dad.

It all started when my parents told me I was going to be a big sister! I was so thrilled and super happy!!

Then 2 weeks later my dad had just all of a sudden started to feel super sick so my mom had taken him to the E.R to see what was wrong with him.

My mom came home later that day in tears and my dad was admitted into the hospital.

He was diagnosed with lung cancer. And the sad thing is, he didn't even smoke, do drugs, or any of that stuff so we don't know how he could've gotten it just all of a sudden.

After that day my life had slowly been changing.

7 long months later I spent as much time as possible in that hospital room with my dad because the doctors said he isn't getting better, and if he isn't getting better then he has to stay in the hospital till he's better.

My mom was also 7 months pregnant and we found out it was a boy.

My dads middle name was Charlie so we decided on that name for him since it would always be apart of us in a way.

Another month and a half later in the hospital my dad had a heart attack just all of a sudden.

I yelled at the doctors saying I wasn't leaving my dads side no matter what.

But he doctors had to pick me up and take me out of the room.

Later that day my mom and I were in the hospital waiting room, waiting for the doctors to tell us hopefully good news about my dad.

But good news tuned into the worst news I've ever heard in my entire life.

"I'm sorry to say this but your father has passed....."

That's the only words I can remember the doctor saying that day. I just broke down and I couldn't handle it anymore I just didn't know what I could possibly do.

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