Chaos in The Streets

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It was midnight. Clear sky with a full moon. I found myself positioned on top of an old trade store, one of the ones that sold daggers swords, old antique things. I crept my way to the side where the ladder was. I slowly dismounted down and found myself right next to one of the shop windows.
   Luckily for me, it was a sliding  window, so I easily snuck in.I was only wearing a skinny black sweatshirt with handmade pockets on the inside of it, with black sweatpants. To cover my face I was wearing black colored contacts, and a black bandana wrapped around my mouth. On top of my head was a regular black beanie. I only had an average mountain climbing bag so I wasn't gonna make out with much.

  I looked around and found an old glass case containing a set of  throwing knives,and proceeded to put four of them in my bag. They were colored with blue and red dots with a circle in the handle and with a flat blade.
  I continued to look and scavenge, and I found an old pistol with six bullets, (seemed to work fine) and a cane with a hidden Blade in the handle. I figured I gathered enough, so I exited out the window again. Waiting for me out the window was two guards. They were both in plain black security armor. The darker skinned man addressed me. "Did you have authorization to be in this building?' He obviously knew the answer to this.
     I looked him in the eyes and I leaned on my cane. The other officer coughed and said, "answer now!"

   I pulled a throwing knife I had in my pocket and killed the darker skinned ones first. It stuck in his Adams apple and he convulsed and fell on the ground. I then swiftly switched the hidden blade from the cane and got the other guard in the chest. I ripped the blade from the cane out of his chest,and proceeded to put their guns and ammo in my bag. I had to continue to find refuge for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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