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Vixesi gripped Umbra and Airi's hand while Andrea, Chimera, and Death Wish chatted as they lagged behind. "Hey! Have you heard about the announcement King Asgore is making about the masquerade party?" Chimera asked. "Yes I..." Andrea began but her voice trailed off when they heard a growl from the forest. "He-Hello?" Umbra called out frightened. "Yeah hey! Can you not mess with my dress?" Airiel complained. Then a monstrous beast leaped out and rain poured. "Chimera!" Her sisters yelped. "Sorry!" Chimera apologized. '' No time to waste we should run!" Vixesi cried. Grabbing her sisters hands the Deaths ran like the wind away from the beast. Then they plopped right in front of the royal family scattering mud all over them.

Not the right way to make the best first impression.

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