Chapter #6: The Livestream

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Your P.O.V.

You woke up to a crash from the room next to yours and some frantic cursing. You got up from your bed and rubbed your eyes stumbling out of your room to see Mark sprint out of his room down the stairs and then back up to his room.

You gave a confused look and walked over to Mark's room and peaked your head in to see Mark still running frantically around his room seemingly looking for something.

Mark:"Where is it! Where is it!?...Oh here it is!"

He yelled as he pulled out a wire of some sort.

You:"Mark are you ok?"

You question tilting your head in a confused and tired manner.

Mark:"Yes...No...well kinda?"

You:"What's wrong?"

Mark:"I woke up late and the Livestream is at 10:00 and its 9:45 now and I'm no where near ready."

You:"Well maybe you shouldn't say up till 2am."

Mark:"Hey don't judge me."

He said then his skype went off.

Mark:"Oh that must be Jack."

He said running over to his computer. Then I heard the doorbell ring.

Mark:"Y/N can you get that."

You:"Where is Ryan and Matt?"

Mark:"I don't remember where they went all I know is there not here."


You said and turned around walking downstairs and to the door. You opened it to reveal Brianna.


She said walking in.


Brianna:"Where is Mark?"

You:"Upstairs freaking out."


You:"He woke up late."

Brianna:"Of course he did."

She sighed and walked up to Marks room. You sighed and went up to your room to change.

Mark's P.O.V.

Y/N walked out of the room and I answered my skype and Jack's face appeared on screen.

Mark:"Hey Jack."

Jack:"Hey buddy."

Then Brianna walked into the room and took a seat at the computer that I set up for her for the Livestream.

Brianna:"So Mark I heard you woke up late."

She said as she logged onto skype.

Jack:"Really Mark? Dude you had one job."

Mark:"Hey it's not my fault!"

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