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Helan POV's

I sat down facing the table as I let out an exasperated sigh. Yori raised an eyebrow with a tint of annoyance on her face.

It has been 3 hours since we went out to have 'fun'. But it just turns into my complaint centre. "Helan. The sentence 'it's not what it seems to be'.Doesn't mean that if someone wrote it, its gonna be true, "Yori replied but her words meet no sense.

It wasn't fair of me to push my complained to Yori who had just wanted to have fun on her rare day off. But my head could not help but recalled the scene from days ago.

Ever since I met Glenn at that playground, at the park. I had fallen in love with him at first sight. He was the first person who came into my life and stays. He was the first to talk to me with kindness.

But as we grew up, I realised that he was different. No, he was just like the others. I was different. Wanting the light he shone in my life I kept him a secret from others. With him, I kept my parents a secret.

When was it that I stop liking him? I couldn't recall. But by the time I realise it, I didn't want to live anymore. and my sister was gone. and my father left me for a year. Every night I didn't want to return home and would often cry at the park.

Maybe I wanted Glenn to reach out to me just like when we first met. But for weeks nobody did appear. Then he appears. At first, I was scared of him, everyone I know left me, so why would a stranger help me up. But he slowly let me trust him and 2 months since we first met, he brought me home after I cried out. Slowly but surely I began to love him.

He made me feel save. And he was there when my father came back. He beat the shit out of my father and let me stay with him.

It was after that, did we date and it was 3 months later did I introduce him to Glenn. A while later, I was ostracized. I didn't realise it since at school I was always with Glenn.


I turn around the door was shut and there was a guy before me. "Yes?"I was puzzled. but before I knew it I was trap between the wall. " I heard that you're an easy woman". His hand was up above my thighs.

"NO!"I try to push him away but he pushes me down on the floor. I shut my eyes tightly. My breath was ragged. My vision is hazy. Nex thing I knew I was awake in the infirmary.

Next thing I knew, He was beaten up. Next thing I knew, I had to break up with him, all because a picture of us heading to his house was shared. He was a professor at a university nearby.

You would think we would stick to one another after all the things we went through. But Glenn managed to convince me. Telling that I'm ruining his life. But on that same day after breaking up with him, I discover that Glenn was the one spreading the rumour and pictures around. I left the house immediately and never return.

I drown myself in another mug of beer before asking the bartender for another.

"You're going to get drunk if you continue doing this. You still have work tomorrow, "Yori let out a sigh.

"I'm fine! Relaxed! Mo-, "I was cut off when a large burly man pushed passed me. He grabs whole of Yori's waist and exits out the bar. Before she left, she let out the last advice," Order a taxi to get home!"

"Is she going to be alright?" The bartender looks worried.

"They may not look like it but they are husband and wife. They love each other wholeheartedly. They have a story of their own. Romantic, isn't it?" I let out a short laugh before giving a sigh and ordered another mug of beer.

The bartender nodded before pouring another. "The husband is just jealous that the wife isn't spending every free second together. Which makes the wife thinks it's cute. So the wife would tease him most of the time, "I continued.

Feeling slightly tired and a little bored to drink alone, I bought a bottle of red wine before calling for a taxi. The bartender worriedly sends me to the taxi. Ensuring that I was safe inside before he left.

I took a swig of the red wine as I waited for the taxi to reach home. Dumping the money to the driver, I slurred out for him to keep the change before stumbling out of the taxi and into the elevator.

As soon as the elevator opens up, I fell into the elevator. I lay there momentarily before reaching out to pressed my floor number only for the door to open up.

The same pair of brown eyes and brown hair, that I had seen since little, stood before me. He looks stunt to see me before rushing towards me. His face hovers a few inches away from mine as he checks my state. My drunkard self wraps my arm around his neck before giving him a sloppy kiss. His eyes turned wide and he was about to push me away when I pushed his head closer for another kiss. Afterwards, I was unconscious.

I woke up finding myself in an unfamiliar room. Glenn appears with a pill and a glass of water as I massage my head.

Once i drank enough to wet my dry throat, I spoke, "Where am I?"

"At my house, "Glenn look at me, a slightly nervous look in his eyes. I thought back about the time we were in high school. About his lie. About his words. I open my mouth, wanting to leave, but instead I started to cough and sneeze.

Glenn was immediately by my side. "Are you okay?" He said concern.

My face felt warm but I wanted to say I was fine, but I was already too late. He touched my forehead with his. "You're having a fever," He rushes back to the kitchen and came back with another glass of water and a paracetamol drug.

I was halfway out of bed, in an attempt to escape. But my legs were shaking and the headache only worsens with each movement. Glenn force me back to bed before handing the drug to me, "Take it".

"It's okay... I'm heading home, "I told him trying to stand up again but he forces me back once again.

"You can leave once you're feeling better. You're unsteady. No one's at your house to take care of you right?"

It wasn't my plan to stay but knowing that he would not let me leave and i don't have the strength to fight him, I let out a frustrated sigh before agreeing. "But I'm leaving straight after".

It wasn't long before I had a cooling pad on my forehead and a few layers of blanket on me. My eyes were getting heavy.

"Hey... Can we be friends again? I know I did a horrible thing to you. I was really sorry. I regret it a lot. I was just afraid that you leave me," I heard Glenn words.

"Ok," Through the last bit of consciousness I answered, causing him to jump out of surprised.

"Y-you were listening? I thought you were asleep?" Glenn calms himself down but the medication had finally work and I fell asleep not being able to answer him.

The Elevator (Editing in progress)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora