~Night 5~

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Ali_A and Moivi scrambled back to their places in the Security Office (Ali_A: computer. Moivi: doors). Moivi saw that Bonnie was coming right for them. Ali_A guessed Bonnie sort of had a score to settle with him, as Bonnie did almost kill him. Moivi shut the Left Door and Ali_A tore open the computer. He quickly checked the Dining Room. Bonnie was there, so Moivi opened the door quickly. Ali_A checked Pirate's Cove. Foxy was climbing out of the curtains, not in his last stage yet. Ali_A glanced up at Moivi, who was standing in front of the computer, ready to run to a door to close it. Ali_A checked the Restrooms. Chica was there. Ali_A started moving through all the cameras. Showstage: nobody. Backstage: nobody. Dining Room: nobody. Restrooms: Freddy. "Moivi, check the d-doors," Ali_A said wearily. Moivi ran to each door checking the light. Both of the doors had an animatronic: Bonnie and Chica. Ali_A checked the West Hallway. Bonnie's shadow was visible in the blinking dim emergency lights. West Hall Corner: no one. East Hall: no one. East Hall Corner: no one. "Moivi, both animatronics are gone," Ali_A said. Moivi opened the doors quickly. Ali_A looked through the cameras again. You can never be too sure. 1:00am. 65%. Dining Room: Freddy. Showstage: no one. Backstage: no one. Restrooms: Chica. That's all the-- Pirate's Cove. Ali_A checked it quickly. Just as I suspected. "Foxy's coming!!" Ali_A yelled. Moivi shut the door. Literally about a hundredth of a second after the door slammed shut, a bang echoed through the room. Moivi opened the door. Nobody. Ali_A continued to look through the cycle again. Though it uses power, he wanted to know exactly where the animatronics were at all times. "Here comes Bonnie!" Ali_A cried. Moivi shut the left door, checked it, and then checked the right door. Nobody 2:00am. 40%. And then that annoying pots and pans banging began, signifying that Chica was in the kitchen. Ali_A looked through the cameras again. Then he realized his power was going down to 30%, so he shut the computer. "If we're going to make it through this night, we're doing to do it without the computer. So, you do the left door, and I'll do the right. Ok?" Panting with all the running he was doing, Moivi said with relief, "K," and went over to the left door. Ali_A thought about how to conserve his power. That banging in the kitchen shows that Chica's not at my door, so I don't need to check it, buut... Ali_A sprinted over to the back of the desk, spun the computer around, and went to the East Hall Corner. And there he was, just as Ali_A had suspected. Freddy. Ali_A, shutting the computer, ran back to his door and shut it. He knew Freddy was there. "How are you doing, Moivi?" Ali_A asked to the other side of the room. Moivi replied, "I'm doing fine. Bonnie's come once or twice. Do you mind checking Pirate's Cove?" "Not at all," Ali_A ran over to the computer, and turned it on. He clicked Pirate's Cove, and not a moment too soon. It was blurry for a split second, and then it cleared up to reveal... no one. Well, except for the sign that says "it's me". Ali_A nodded at Moivi, who shut the right door. This time the bangs were for quite a long time. While the bangs were happening, Ali_A quickly checked the East Hall Corner. No one. Ali_A opened the right door as the banging stopped, so Moivi opened his door too. 3:30. 19%. Ali_A and Moivi waited. Ali_A suddenly quickly checked the light on his door. No one. Moivi checked the light on his door and found Bonnie. Suddenly Ali_A heard that faint, deep laughing noise. The one that was in the last phone call. Ali_A checked the East Hall Corner, and found two white eyes staring at him. Freddy. Ali_A shut the computer, and then turned and shut the right door. 4:30. 6%. Moivi opened his door and looked outside. Nobody. Ali_A opened his door, too. They had to take their chances. Ali_A looked outside the right door to see where everyone was. He could see the faint outline of Chica running from the Dining Room all the way to the Security Office. And Freddy was also in the hallway, slowly walking towards the office. Ali_A turned and ran across the room, looking outside the left door. Bonnie was climbing out of the Supply Closet, moving towards the security office. He shone the flashlight at Chica and Freddy. "I have to stall the animatronics long enough for our night to be up," Ali_A called over his shoulder. 5:00. 4%. Suddenly, claws seized his shoulders as the animatronic screeches rang through his ears. He turned, to see the disfigured and freaky face of Foxy, screaming his face off. Ali_A screamed also, and out of the corner of his eye he saw Moivi struggling against Bonnie. Foxy slashed at Ali_A, who screamed in pain. Foxy slashed again, then dropped Ali_A onto the floor. He was down to four hearts. As Foxy kicked Ali_A into the wall and leapt for another strike, the CD's words rang through his head. The animatronics would have to land at least four hits to bring you down to half a heart. Foxy leapt onto Ali_A again, slashing at him repeatedly. Ali_A tried to roll out of the way of most of the slashes, but two got him. His health dropped down to half a heart. This was bad. Glancing at Moivi, he could tell that Bonnie had really shaken Moivi up too, and Moivi was really hurt. Ali_A stood up and ran, ran, ran, around the security room. Now, running was something that Foxy did every day, so Foxy tore across the room, still screeching. Ali_A was screaming as well, subconsciously. But he was focusing on running, since he had the disadvantage. Foxy eventually caught up with him, pinning him down and raising a claw triumphantly. Ali_A rolled as Foxy's claw came down and hit nothing but air. Ali_A then jumped back up. When Foxy turned, Ali_A punched him in the snout. Again and again he punched him, in the face, in the snout, in the eye... until Foxy leapt backwards, doing that animatronic screech. Then Foxy ran out of the room, fleeing. Ali_A went to the computer and checked the cameras for him. He was hiding Backstage. 2%. 1%. 0%. ALL the lights and cameras turned off, and the only thing that could be heard was Moivi and Bonnie fighting. Ali_A looked at the left door. Freddy was there, his head only visible. He was watching, and Ali_A knew he was going to attack. Ali_A ran over to the 'close door' button and clicked it, but nothing happened. Oh yeah. He thought. No power. Ali_A pulled Moivi away from Bonnie, and threw him out the right door, into the East Hallway. Then he dove out too, grabbing Moivi and pulling him up. "Let's go!" Ali_A said as he started running. Moivi followed. Freddy burst out of the Security Office, screeching so loud, Ali_A thought the pizzeria might collapse. Ali_A and Moivi ran up the East Hall, through the Dining Room, and down the West Hall, back into the Security Room, out to the East Hall, and back around again. Until... Freddy stopped. But Ali_A and Moivi kept going. When they rounded the corner to the West Hall Corner, Freddy grabbed them. They each had one heart left. Freddy looked like he was almost smiling. Ali_A squeezed his eyes tight as Freddy threw him into the Security Office. As blackness surrounded him, the last thing Ali_A saw was Moivi asleep as well, and Freddy storming in.

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