Chapter 1: The Un-Mistaken Party Friend

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Pic of Angel Jeffrey (Christina Millian)

10 years later.


So tonight I am going to get SO fucking turnt!

But not that turnt cause y'all know I got work in the morning and I need to know what I'm getting myself into tonight, am I right? Or am I right? You know what I mean?


Alright. I see how it is. LOL

Anyway, my friends and I are going to this hot new club by the name of K9. Yeah, I know weird. So anywho, I got this really super cute dress this morning and it is so gorgeous, and I know Imma be lookin' fine as hell tonight. I'm going with my girls and we will find us some sexy ass men to bring home or better yet, they bring us home, wink wink. But might have to turn in a bit early so I can get home, get a shower and take the rest I need for my day at work tomorrow. I really need this job and I'm not about to ruin my first day. It pays a lot and I actually love the physical and emotional challenge of hard work so this is almost a dream come true, and what makes it better, I heard I got a sexy ass boss! Welp! I'll see him tomorrow! But I can't help but remember the day I got that call.

-Flashback (Two weeks ago) -

Good Gracious! It's been two fucking weeks since I called in to have an over the phone interview right after I read the ad in the newspaper, and NO ONE HAS CALLED!! Like seriously, I've just been sitting in bed after class either doing a little homework or watching YouTube and dancing around to kpop. You see? Nothing. Nothing but Big Bang, BTS, Got7 and EXO going all up in my mind.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing.

I just sat there thinking about the five W's and the one H that no one really talks about. I didn't even look at who was calling yet, I just fucking sat there! But before it could end after like the fourth ring, I answered the phone with a low, timid voice.


"Hello? I'm sorry is this Mrs. Angel Jeffrey?" said the sexiest foreign voice known to man.

Or just me.

"This is she and I'm not married." I said giggling a bit at his assumption.

"Oh, my apologies! I just assumed-"

"It's fine! I get it all the time! Really a lot of women do at first, but you're okay."

"Alright then," he snickers, "well, I've called to give you some good news Ms. Jeffrey." He pauses.

I wait, "...Which is?"

He snickers again, "Well I am glad to inform you that your records are spectacular and you are now currently my new secretary."

I gasped loudly then covered my mouth, but he definitely heard me.

"It's okay, let it out." He said and I heard a smile in his tone. I knew exactly what he meant so I took a deep breath.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!," I stopped then breathed in again and let it out. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!! Thank you! You don't know how happy I am about this! I was waiting SO long just to know whether or not I was even considered as a candidate. Thank you so much Mr..?"

"Newes. Call me Mr. Newes or Mr. N, doesn't necessarily matter which one, I'm fine with both." He said kindly.

"Well thank you Mr. Newes."

"And thank you Ms. Jeffrey for your time, and I will see you at work in two weeks from tomorrow. Only because I am currently on a business trip and that is when I will get home."

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