World of Warcraft Dwarves.

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The Dwarves story begins with titans. These Titans came to Azeroth and were pretty much playing around with creating creatures. One of the first they created was called the Earthens. The Earthens were creatures made out of living stone that in game look A LOT like dwarves, just you know, made of stone. The Earthens were made purely made to crave out the land and mountians of Azeroth to make it into a well organized looking planet. This gave them a very deep connection with earth. Because of this connection they became very hurt and depressed when the great well of eternity imploded. They pretty much sealed themselves away deep into the earth and sleep for several thousand years. The old gods pretty much decided to be dicks and curse them with "The Curse of Flesh." To make them more easily controllable and with that the Earthens turned into the Dwarves we know today. Im going to quote a line from the game it's self that pretty much tells you how Iron forge came to be and to move forward. 

"Calling themselves the Dwarves, the last of the Earthen left the halls of Uldaman and ventured out into the walking world. Still lulled by the safety and wonders of the deep places, they founded a vast kingdom under the highest mountain in the land. They named their land "Kaz Modan," or "Mountain of Kaz" in honor of the titan shaper, Khaz'goroth. Constructing an alter of their titan father, the dwarves created a mighty Forge in the heart of the mountain. Thus the city the grew around the forge would be called IronForge ever after."

Over time the Ironforge Dwarves were split up into three different clans Wildhammer, Dark Iron, and Bronzebeard. Im not going into the clans lore themselves. Its probably best to do your own research based of which clan you want your dwarf to belong to. These Three clans ruled separate areas of the Dwarven kingdom and they all were ruled by one king, Modimus Anvilmar. Welllll... 



So the king died and the three clans started to fight among theirselves. There was pretty much back and forth fighting and killing among all the clans and eventually They all moved. Wildhammer to Hintlerlands, Dark Iron to Redridge Mountains, and Bronzebeard pretty much stayed in Dun Morogh. This pretty much made the War of 3 hammers. The Dwarves made an alliance with Humans and elves and soon after the Gnomes. which pretty much is where the Alliance faction came from. The dwarves eventually uncovered some ruins that kinda hinted at their heritage, that they come from the Earthen. They were made of stone and by the titans yaddy yaddy yada. Every since this they have been CRAZY about finding more information out which is why they are so keen on exploring and archaeology. Some time passed and the Cataclysm broke the earth. Since they have a strong connection with the earth they really felt that. In order to gain a little bit more understanding their new king, King Magni, underwent this ritual that did bring him more understanding but it also turned him into a giant crystal and fused him in the depts of Ironforge. With their king gone to avoid civil war again the three clans made "The council of Three Hammers." So now everyone is pretty much included into the Ironforge clan again ((YAY)). And thats where we lead up to todays Dwarves!

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