Chapter One

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Your vacation had started two weeks ago but the only few things you did all day was sleeping, eating and binge-watching a lot of videos on YouTube.

Tomorrow you would go away to
(any destination) and you had already packed everything you needed inside your suitcase. You were going with your (m/d). It would take two weeks and you weren't sure what to do there, but you heard the hotel had wifi. After you checked your suitcase for the fifth time, you went to sleep because it was already late and your flight went early in the morning.

The next day
You woke up to your alarm and quickly got up. You changed into comfortable traveling clothes while brushing your teeth. You grabbed your hand luggage and your suitcase and put them next to the front door.

The hotel was 3 stars and kind of creepy, but you liked it. As soon as you got the key you walked up the stairs to the second floor and opened the door that granted you entrance into room 202. You threw all your things on the bed and walked out of the room with your phone and earbuds. You wanted to explore the hotel and text your friend(s) as soon as possible. You asked at the desk in the lobby for the password and she pointed at a piece of paper on the wall, you thanked her and walked over to the paper.

Only wifi in the lobby and on the 1st floor next to the restaurant
Password: 194603PH1

There were too many people in the lobby so you decided to climb the stairs to find the restaurant.
You sat down on one of the two comfy settees and started texting. You scrolled through Twitter and saw that Max posted something:

Hi bros! Me and the guys are goin' on vacation so I won't be updating anything on my YouTube channels for the coming month. I will be active on other social media so you can go follow me there. Sorry! :D

Well, that's sad... This means that Franku, Ian and Chad will not be updating anything for a month!
This is not a pleasant surprise at all.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a door opening in the hall, you looked up and was immediately shocked by a brown-haired dude who stood still in front of you while looking down at his phone. 

WAIT, WHAT!? Is that Max???
Holy shit, what do I do?

He was obviously playing Pokemon Go.

"M-Max?" you stuttered.
He looked up from his phone and looked at you... It took a while but he slowly started smirking.
"Do you know me?" He asked.
That Australian accent though.
"Y-Yes, I watch your videos" 

He laughed a bit and then reached out his hand to me.
You stood up and shook it.

"So what's ya name?"
"I'm (y/n)"
"Nice to meet you, (y/n)!"
"Well, it's nice to meet you too"
"Is this seat taken?" He said while pointing at the settee next to me.
"No, not at all".
He sat down and you both got back on your phones. You were nervous as fuck and afraid to say anything. From the corner of your eye, you could see him looking at you.

He chuckled and asked:
"Do you play Pokemon Go?"
"Yes I do actually"
"Do you wanna go catch some together?"
You started smiling.
"What for real?"                                                                                                                                                                      "Yeah, sure"

Max's p.o.v.

Wow, what the fuck am I doing

"Oh wait," she said "I need to tell my (m/d) that I'm going out"
That's cute, how old would she be?

"That's alright, I'll wait here"
She walked up the stairs and I waited for a few minutes. After that, we went outside and grabbed our phones. (Y/n) was still a bit of a noob in Pokemon, but I helped her with some new skills. We caught a lot, and we were now in a small park sitting on a bench. We had already put our phones away and we were talking about our lives. It was so incredibly chill, just a casual conversation. I hadn't had one of those in a long time. 

"I must admit," she said, "I have wanted to meet you for a while now."

"Well, it was nice to meet a normal person." I said.

"What do you mean with 'normal'?"

"For a start, you haven't even asked for a picture yet." I said.

"That's true, but I just wanted to get to know you better, I don't really need a picture."

"That's a first. I actually really appreciate that."

"No problem, really."

"You are so different and nice to hang out with. I think we're going to get along nicely this holiday." I said.

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